Rep. Gaetz: Impeachment ‘Is the Cop-Out for the Lack of an Agenda’ – IOTW Report

Rep. Gaetz: Impeachment ‘Is the Cop-Out for the Lack of an Agenda’

( Speaking on Mark Levin’s Fox News show “Life, Liberty and Levin” on Sunday, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said the House Democrats’ pursuit of impeachment is a “cop-out for the lack of an agenda that impacts the lives of the American people.”

“[W]hat would the Democrats use to galvanize their movement, if not impeachment? Would Democrats be able to point to their infrastructure plan? Would they be able to point to their healthcare plan? Would they be able to point to sound policy on trade? Of course not,” Gaetz told Host Mark Levin. “They haven’t done anything. And so, this is the cop-out for the lack of an agenda that impacts the lives of the American people. This House Democratic group has issued more subpoenas than they have passed bills.” more here

8 Comments on Rep. Gaetz: Impeachment ‘Is the Cop-Out for the Lack of an Agenda’

  1. Impeachment is the smokescreen the dems are hoping will divert attention from their multitude of criminal acts. They have to keep the public occupied with nonsense to keep the real issues clouded over lest the reluctant DOJ has no choice but to prosecute them.

  2. Instead of working to find out the true crimes, the democrats continue to cover and keep the truth from coming into the light of justice. They and most of our cabled directly into homes main stream media continue to help pave over the shady criminal facts. Sad that they are assisting in the moral decay of America, with their eyes shut to where it will go.

  3. @UncleAl:

    Agreed, good Uncle, it’s a start. But don’t you just itch to help them along a bit?

    I’m not saying they can’t be reborn, but they’ll have to give-up a lot of bad stuff first: party-wide corruption, fraudulent elections, kickbacks, spying on people, stealing from us in the name of the “public good,” racist treatment of blacks, LGBT-ad nausuem crap, attacks on the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and a whole lot of other junk, like control of our public schools at the Federal level, healthcare, bankrupt pensions, deficits, printing money, corporate and foreign lobbyists, etc, etc, etc, etc.

    You and I both know that the list of their shit is SO long, we’re tired of typing it. And now, it’s the Uniparty’s shit, too, since Republicans have followed their lead right down the statist crapper.


    Never mind. They don’t read here. I need to post on some liberal websites.

  4. Whut did that skeevy, Benghazi-Bullshitting, nasty old cunt Hillary say?
    “If that fucking bastard wins, we’re all going to hang from nooses!
    You better fix this this shit!”

    For the past three years we’ve heard democRATz say:
    Fix the VA?
    Repair roads and bridges?
    Improve education?
    Do our jobs? Ha! LOL!!!
    We’re just gonna continue to blow yer hard-earned, over-taxed dollars on hearings and “investigations” just to stay two steps ahead of the hangman!
    Indict, prosecute, jail and destroy the criminals masquerading as democRATs!


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