Rep. Gaetz introduces bill to ban IRS from acquiring ammunition – IOTW Report

Rep. Gaetz introduces bill to ban IRS from acquiring ammunition

“Here’s the Biden plan: Disarm Americans, open the border, empty the prisons – but rest assured, they’ll still collect your taxes, and they need $725,000 worth of ammunition, apparently, to get the job done,” said Gaetz on a recent episode of Fox News’ ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’ more

8 Comments on Rep. Gaetz introduces bill to ban IRS from acquiring ammunition

  1. confiscate-whores, u can have the Pb 1st. irs dicksuckers had to destroy millions of returns because not enough bodies/resources to work the job, but they have plenty of $$$ for ammo.

  2. When you’re in the minority party you can introduce all kinds of feel good bills knowing it will never see a vote. Then you can show the folks back home how you are “fighting” for them. I’d rather see one of the push Nancy down the stairs and do the 90 days.

  3. One of my best friends worked for the IRS in Houston for thirty years. He said he felt dirty the whole time. He said most of his co-workers felt the same way. He did what he could to see that the IRS didn’t screw over decent Americans.

  4. When I was but a wee lad in the Boy Scouts one of the leaders worked for the local IRS office and liked to brag about bullying citizens. Then one day a guy walked in and shot the son of a bitch and put him in a wheelchair for life.

  5. @Dr. Hambone July 1, 2022 at 3:55 pm

    > One of my best friends worked for the IRS in Houston for thirty years.

    Wow. Dude. Couldn’t you just post some necrophilia cannibalism videos on TikTok?

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