Rep Julia Letlow (R-LA) sworn in – IOTW Report

Rep Julia Letlow (R-LA) sworn in

House Democratic margin shrinks to 2 votes with swearing-in of Republican Julia Letlow

7 Comments on Rep Julia Letlow (R-LA) sworn in

  1. omg, two more changed seats and the republicans in the house won’t be able to say they can’t get anything done for their constituents because they’re in the minority. They’ll have to find another excuse.

  2. ” … Since tie votes fail in the House, that means Democrats cannot lose more than two votes from their party to pass legislation if the GOP fully opposes them”

    The GOP is good at making a show of fully unified opposition to bills when they have no chance of actually stopping them, but no so good at it when they do and it is something the Left really wants.

    Democrats, OTOH, are almost always fully unified when it is about something they really want, not just something they would like to have it they can get it.

    Trump’s first two years gives several examples of this.

  3. House votes are rigged just like elections. If the bill doesn’t benefit the uniparty it will never get to the floor for a vote. Party line votes screw half the country and bipartisan votes screw us all.

  4. Some of us here are old enough to remember when we had the majority of congress and the White House. Remember all the things the republicans did to make this country great again. House leader Paul Ryan, who could ever forget him. And we had Obamacare all wrapped up but thanks to the war hero John McCain for preventing us from jumping off the cliff and saved the whole republican party. Yes those were the good old days. One can only wonder what it would be like to once again have control of congress and the White House.


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