Rep. Luis Gutierrez pushes for $30 minimum wage – IOTW Report

Rep. Luis Gutierrez pushes for $30 minimum wage

Rep. Luis Gutierrez

BPR:Rep. Luis Gutierrez recently praised a group of Las Vegas-area restaurants for increasing their employees’ minimum wage to $15 per hour, then stating that figure is only the beginning — he wants a$30 per hour minimum wage.

“We’re working to champion the cause of people – and I’m so excited you guys increased the minimum wage at Taco el Gordo, right?” the Illinois Democrat told the group.

“$15 an hour, I like that, that’s good. That’s good stuff, you know, so tomorrow I say –hey wait a minute, it should be $30 an hour – are you all going to vote for me?”  more

27 Comments on Rep. Luis Gutierrez pushes for $30 minimum wage

  1. Criminy, it’s turning into Punchable Face Day on First the Purdue weanie, then the Canadian sub-prime minister, and now Loser Luis. It’s only mid-February, and you have three nominees for Most Punchable Face of 2016, already.

  2. I, personally, want the “minimum wage” to be set at $100 / hr.

    Then EVERYBODY would make more than $208,700 / yr. and we could tax them at 95% like BS wants!

    Ipso facto, oingo boingo, lotza drano – all our fiscal problems will be solved! … not that we have any …

  3. The fact that this fleck of whale dreck is an elected official screams volumes about the ignorance, and traitorous instincts of this Once-Great nation’s electorate.

    Do you really believe, for an instant, that a Trump, or a Cruz, or a Rubio, or a Carson, or a CHEB!, or even a HRC, or a BS is gonna cure this level of mal-education … this depth of ignorance … this abyss of indoctrination … and the chasm between what these socialists believe and what Americans know to be true?

    Good luck with that.

  4. Who cares when cash is outlawed. Trade your work for electronic credits derived from electronic debt sold thru a formerly owned American company to China repackaged as Secure AAA+.

  5. “He makes a good case to be the next el presedente of Venezuela.”

    He makes a good case to be the next shallow grave in the desert. Pretty ambitious with the wrong peoples’ money.

  6. The idiots in Chicago sure can pick ’em. They seem so detached from reality, it’s insane. For example, dining out is extremely popular there, yet none of them seem to realize the policies their chosen leftist representatives support will drive most of the restaurants there out of business. When businesses move out of Chicago, they blame the new republican governor, Bruce Rauner.

  7. Add the five carry the one that makes it,,,,,, yeah, well given
    the amount of printing money out of THIN AIR by the Fed Res
    $30 bucks an hour is a good start.
    Which way to the Wiemar Republic?

  8. Oh Hell no. Not when it took me 35 years to get to that salary, and my job requires excellent people and keyboarding skills, a high degree of literacy, and a thorough knowledge of The Family Court Act of 1965.

    Can’t think of a single reason why some high school dropout loser should be making what I make to sweep floors and wash dishes.

  9. To say he is an economic moron is an insult to both morons and economics. If he had any decency, he would resign immediately.

    Clearly, his end of the gene pool needs a little more chlorine.

    Where is a Darwin Award when we truly need one? Can I present him with the award on behalf of humanity in general? I think the collective human IQ would tick up a substantial notch.

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