Rep. Markwayne Mullin wins in Republican Oklahoma Senate primary – IOTW Report

Rep. Markwayne Mullin wins in Republican Oklahoma Senate primary

Just The News

Rep. Markwayne Mullin claimed victory in the Oklahoma Republican Senate primary Tuesday and will move on to the November general election.

Mullin won the race with 64.0% of the vote, according to the Associated Press.

The winner of the general election in November will succeed retiring Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe, who has served in the Senate since 1994. His current term ends in January of 2027, though he has announced he will retire before it expires.

Mullin faced off against former state Speaker of the House T.W. Shannon after both cleared the initial primary and proceeded to a runoff election. Mullin has served in Congress since 2013 while Shannon left the state legislature in 2015 and previously challenged then-Rep. James Lankford in a special election for the Senate.

The winner of the primary is heavily favored to claim the Senate seat as Oklahoma trends overwhelmingly toward the Republican Party. more

6 Comments on Rep. Markwayne Mullin wins in Republican Oklahoma Senate primary

  1. I really object to that “served” blah, blah bullshit.
    Probably a quibble, but language has meaning.
    There’s got to be a better word for what politicians do – it certainly isn’t “service.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I never liked Mullin. When he ran for the House, he promised, PROMISED!, that he would only serve 2 terms and then go back to running his plumbing business. He’s been there at least 4 terms now. And now he’ll probably be senator. Another career politician in the making.

  3. Mullin who I voted for the first time, he was my rep, I voted for him because he was a businessman, he told my husband and I to our face he would never be a politician, swore to not be one of them that never leave. Swore he would sponsor term limits, said if he couldn’t change anything in 3 terms he would never change anything.
    I followed his votes carefully that first two years, every single vote and saw how he did as establishment told him to do. I saw how at the beginning of his second year magically his plumbing business was also a heat and air business, something he said he would never want to be due to regulations. Funny that as in Oklahoma it takes a while in the field being licensed as a journeyman before you can apply and take a contractors test to become licensed as a HVAC contractor. I witnessed how suddenly his company was getting all Indian contracts for plumbing and HVAC as well as state and federal government contracts. Before that his company rarely was awarded government contracts.

    So I have not voted for him since that first time. Then his 3 terms was up and at first he lied and said he never said it, then he came up with the excuse he was just a dumb businessman who realized it would take longer than 6 years to make a difference and he never sponsored term limit legislation.
    Although he spouts he’s supported by all gun groups, he’s not, because he voted for red flag laws.
    He now will be a lifetime politician, he sold his business, which he hasn’t been running it for years anyway.

    He hugged Ashli Babbitt’s murderer and told him he did what he had to do.
    He voted for the $40 billion to Ukraine then lied and said all of us stupid people wouldn’t read the bill as not one penny went to Ukraine.

    He has also said he doesn’t work for the people and we don’t pay his salary, he’s his own boss.

    IF Trump had wanted a true conservative, one that would not have became establishment he would have endorsed Nathan Dahm. He’s a bull in a china shop with state RINOS and the only one who said he would not vote for McConnell for leader. Lameford’s opponent also made that vow.

  4. The Mule, he is. During the primaries the field was stacked and low voter turnout. Even lower voter turnout for the runoff making it easy to cheat.

    He did though have many dark groups in his corner and they’ve ran numerous lying ads against his opponent added to all the ads he ran because he had unlimited money. Then on Monday the dark groups blew up phones telling/asking people to stand with Trump and vote for Mullin.

    I looked up the first 3 who called me, all originated from D.C. I wish we could stop out of state money and dark groups.


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