Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Arizona) trolls trillion dollar COVID package, asks for $10,000 stimulus checks instead – IOTW Report

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Arizona) trolls trillion dollar COVID package, asks for $10,000 stimulus checks instead


In a last ditch effort to counter the $1.9 trillion coronavirus package passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in the early hours Saturday morning, frustrated Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar submitted an amendment that slashed non relief spending and offered $10,000 stimulus checks instead.

“I offered an amendment to prioritize $10,000 stimulus checks to Americans most affected by COVID-19 and lockdowns,” Gosar said in a statement to Fox News Saturday. “Instead, Democrats chose foreign aid, Big Tech transit, and Pelosi’s political priorities over direct relief to American citizens.”

Gosar’s amendment called for the removal of 10 agenda items out of the American Rescue Plan’s more than 200 sections, including funding for the arts, federal and corporate transit projects, “vaccine confidence activities” and foreign aid. read more

14 Comments on Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Arizona) trolls trillion dollar COVID package, asks for $10,000 stimulus checks instead

  1. I can appreciate the tongue in cheek approach to this, but the problem is the dems and the rinos both will latch on to this and just add it to everything else. Don’t give them any ideas!

  2. The $1400 just won’t do it. Ten grand – could be life changing for millions. The new car, down payment on the house, paid off the credit cards, a posh vacation, the wedding, etc. All of it would jumpstart our economy with a bang.
    And why not? They’re sending billions overseas to line the pockets of foreign rich people.
    Do it for us. Why not?

  3. really. Are Americans too stupid to not be outraged by this? If i lived near one of those bastards their home, cars, bodies would be pelted with rotten eggs. Calling it stimulus but giving it to other countries. Americans LAST, everyother country FIRST

  4. Man, if I had a $10,000 check from the IRS…
    I’d buy a new iPhone, some really sweet Nikes (maybe a few), a fricken’ Rolex,…

    Yeah, it’s one thing for the government to not take your money, but to print money and hand it out is not good for our country.

  5. My Grandchildren (all 11 of them), will be paying for this shit all of their lives. When in the fucking hell will this giveaway stop! I know Rep. Gosar did this to show the world that the Demoncraps are throwing money away to the World and their favorite WOKE programs. We are going to have to drain the Swamp all over again.


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