Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-IN) Reintroduces Resolution to Impose Term Limits – IOTW Report

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-IN) Reintroduces Resolution to Impose Term Limits


Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-IN) on Monday reintroduced a resolution to constitutionally impose term limits on members of Congress.

According to The Hill, the measure would limit lawmakers to serving four terms in the House of Representatives and two terms in the Senate. Lawmakers who were appointed to their seat or won in a special election would be subject to the measure after their first term.

Hollingsworth said the resolution will curtail corruption in Washington. Hollingsworth told The Hill:

n the chaos and dysfunction in Washington, the interests and livelihoods of Hoosiers – and all Americans – are coming second to the self-interests, social media followings, and financial futures of far too many Members of Congress. The hardworking men and women who sent us here to represent them in Washington deserve a government that puts them, their families, their businesses, and their futures first.

The Indiana Republican introduced the same bill in January 2017.

Introduction of the measure comes as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Francis Rooney (R-FL) spearhead a new push to impose term limits on lawmakers. The pair’s measure would limit House members to three two-year terms and Senators to two six-year terms.  read more

14 Comments on Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-IN) Reintroduces Resolution to Impose Term Limits

  1. Actually this resolution should be made equal so the term limits equal 12 years total on each house member. That way the Progs can’t scream discrimination since Senators would be able to serve 12 years & House of Representatives would be only able to serve 6 years under the current plan. Also the plan should include that the 12 years be total accumulated so Reps & Senators cannot serve 12 years in one house & be able to start over for another 12 years in the other House of Congress.

  2. It seems the first priority of any politician is to get elected, the second is to get re-elected. Anything else becomes a distant third. Term limits would mean that politicians might actually focus on doing the people’s business instead of being afraid to take a stance on an issue and screw up their chances for a lifetime career on the public teat.

  3. What’s this “serve” bullshit?
    The maggots enrich themselves at the expense of the taxpayers – so I don’t get that “serve” stuff, at all. We need to extinguish the euphemisms.

    Twelve years total – TOTAL – including ALL Branches in ANY capacity – SES, Ambassadorships, Appointee, (s)Elected, Judiciary included.

    These filthy greedy maggots make generational careers out of fleecing the taxpayers (think: Kennedy, Udall, Romney, Rockefeller, Whitehouse, Carnahan, Fish, Long, Roosevelt, Cuomo, and all the other younger maggots who follow the other older maggots into the corruption business).

    Twelve and OUT – gainful employment or prison – no other choice.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Trey Hollingsworth is my representative and he sends out emails all the time. I answer all his surveys; so glad to see that he still is a true Conservative. He is a relative newbie (only been in Congress 2 years).

  5. Hell, I’m definitely in favor of that but that proposal is like asking all criminals to turn themselves in. I believe they’re never gonna vote themselves out of the cookie jar.

  6. Great idea but its kinda like the American Dream or Truth, Justice. and Liberty == these clowns will never sign up for the way our founders intended. Government for them was knd of a calling it wasn’t a vocation (Despite Ben Franklin – but we know he did it for the women.)

  7. The Tree of Liberty is sooooooooooooooo parched, it’s almost dead.
    These jackasses need to fear not being responsible to their constituents.

    Term limits?
    Yes, about a month = the time it usually takes them to break every promise they made as candidates. Hold them accountable by throwing them out.

    The Tea Party movement’s fade to bupkis has lead us to this year’s crop of very arrogant imo freshmen ‘servants’.

  8. Term limits will only be implemented on a case by case basis (i.e., when a candidate promises to serve only n number of terms in office if elected). It will only become more widespread once making such a promise proves to be a winning strategy for new candidates.


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