Replacement for ousted San Francisco DA Boudin revokes 30 plea offers for drug cases – IOTW Report

Replacement for ousted San Francisco DA Boudin revokes 30 plea offers for drug cases


The San Francisco district attorney who has replaced ousted progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudin has reportedly revoked 30 plea offers for drug cases made by her predecessor. 

New District Attorney Brooke Jenkins made the announcement Wednesday, according to The Hill newspaper.

Boudin, a Democrat, was removed from office in June in a voter recall election, in residents’ response to his progressive policies including efforts to end cash bail and offering defendants the opportunity to enter a rehabilitation program over prison. 

Jenkins’s office said one of the plea offers that she took back was for a case in which a defendant had six open cases for dealing fentanyl and was arrested with more than 100 grams of the drug, The Hill also reports.

The office also said the individual was referred to the city’s Community Justice Center, a collaborative court program that focuses on rehabilitation instead of punishment, more than five times despite not completing the center’s requirements.

The individual was offered a single misdemeanor to settle all six cases. 

The district attorney’s office will now seek a felony charge that includes jail time. more

4 Comments on Replacement for ousted San Francisco DA Boudin revokes 30 plea offers for drug cases

  1. It’s going to take a lot more than 30 drug cases to undo all the bad faith and restore any semblance of proportional criminal justice.

    A step (only one step) in the right direction but until true separation between the criminals and the honest citizens is achieved, both with appropriate cash bail and prison sentences, this is nothing more than an olive branch, and a wilty one at that.

  2. The city of San Francisco replaced one left wing DA with another even more useless and corrupt left wing DA. Good luck with that. Even the fictional Dirty Harry Callahan couldn’t save SF now Steve McQueen in Bullitt. “Go ahead punk and make my day, maybe.”


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