Report: California Saw Huge Increase in Gun Ownership Over Last Decade Despite Strict Gun Laws – IOTW Report

Report: California Saw Huge Increase in Gun Ownership Over Last Decade Despite Strict Gun Laws

WFB: Despite some of the nation’s toughest laws, the number of gun owners in California has more than doubled over the past ten years, according to new data released Friday by the state Department of Justice.

The state of California maintains a one-of-a-kind database of known gun owners, the Armed and Prohibited Persons System (APPS). APPS combines data on firearm transactions from two different state sources, the Dealer Record of Sale (DROS) database which tracks all transfers made by gun dealers and the Automated Firearms System (AFS) which includes the subset of guns the state requires to be registered, to compile a list of all individuals who legally purchased or were transferred a firearm in California.

Operated continuously since 2006, the program’s goal is to identify and seize the weapons of individuals prohibited from owning a gun under state law.

Every year, the California Department of Justice provides a report to the state legislature documenting the number of individuals who have had their guns reclaimed using APPS. That report also makes public the number of individuals actually in APPS, a rough measure of the total number of gun owners in California.

What those data show is that, as of 2019, there are more than 2.5 million gun owners in California, compared to fewer than a million in 2008. That figure translates to about 8 percent of Californian adults owning guns, compared to 3.4 percent in 2008—a more than two-fold increase, even when adjusting for population.  read  more

12 Comments on Report: California Saw Huge Increase in Gun Ownership Over Last Decade Despite Strict Gun Laws

  1. They are at the range when I am out there on the weekends, the 20 & 30 year olds all tell me “The shit is coming and I want to be prepared.” They are buying a lot of semi-auto pistols and carbines. They grew up among the filth that would elect an AOC to do their stealing for them and recognize what they are capable of and are well aware that in predominantly prog regions the government is not only NOT going to protect them and their belongings from the hordes of subhuman filth, the government is going to be on the side of the worst elements in society.

  2. There’s been a big increase in illegal migrant gang members and various other (drug gang) criminals and crazies.

    I imagine they are all gun owners and account for some of the increasing number of guns.

  3. WOW! When hollywood actress Felicity Huffman was arrested the FBI HAD THEIR GUNS DRAWN!
    Did they really think she was going to shoot it out? Still don’t think militarizing law enforcement is a bad idea?

  4. Everyone’s desire increases for something they’re told they can’t have. It’s an old story. Ask Eve.

    (Americans that aren’t nutjobs want their firearms, saying nay nay, ups the determination to acquire them. Increasing need helps a lot too)

  5. It’s not that we see a civil war coming (although if it did come it would not start here, California is not worth fighting over) it is that day by day our civil liberties are being eroded and infringed upon to the point that guns are being accumulated now before all guns are banned alright.

    High crime, high unemployment, a progressive atmosphere that degrades personal responsibility and promotes indolence and victim-hood, we are on our own. “When every second counts, the police are minutes away”, never has this been truer then today.

  6. Unfortunately Calif bureaucrats know exactly who bought those guns, and what guns they bought. And since by law they have to be kept in a safe, they know exactly where to find them when the CA DOJ swat team kicks down their door at 4:00 am.


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