Report Claims Dominion Representative, Speaking With ANTIFA- “I’ve Made Sure Trump Won’t Win” – IOTW Report

Report Claims Dominion Representative, Speaking With ANTIFA- “I’ve Made Sure Trump Won’t Win”

Michelle Malkin has the interview HERE

32 Comments on Report Claims Dominion Representative, Speaking With ANTIFA- “I’ve Made Sure Trump Won’t Win”

  1. Michelle always comes up with something good.
    Has everybody here gone to the WH website and expressed your support for the President? Let him know we don’t believe the press.
    We have to do everything we can to counter the crooked media.

  2. Too bad we don’t have an agency working for Americans interest that could investigate voting corruption. The DOJ and FBI is just a money pit soaking up taxpayer dollars, the facade is hollow. Maybe we should call the FBI, the Fhony Bureau of Investigations.

  3. American Truth today, printed more on this information, expressed by a Dominion Worker named, Eric. Eric used a few words of profanity in his declaration. But the story is from Faith Education Commerce.

  4. If some of these people started ending up like Brietbart or Scalia, I wonder if this crap would end.

    If Patrice Collers, Bill Ayers, ValGal or this piece of work had sudden heart attacks…well

  5. Yesterday Team Trump announced they were expanding their fraud investigation to California. Today there are rumors that Trump actually leads Biden here. I’m hoping there’s something to this. I can’t see Trump attorneys wasting there time here if they weren’t suspicious.

  6. Does the average citizen, like you, me, everyone else, have legal standing to file a class action lawsuit over having this election stolen and flushed down the toilet? It drives me nuts seeing what is wrong and not being able to do anything about it.

  7. Brad, that was good, and I like the heck out of Lin Wood. But just like our concern over voter fraud before the election, we are now concerned over the clock running out on challenges to the election. I’m trying to be mature and patient but I can’t do it forever.

  8. I think Trump should force Barr to start arresting some of these Sec of State and their “Fraudian” election officials OR ELSE replace his ass. I’m sure if Sheriff David Clarke were in charge there would be a nation wide shortage of HANDCUFFS!

  9. The best way is thru the Military. Get the evidence, call the Insurrection Act and let the Military Tribunal begin. It might be the only way around the swamp. At certainly justified.

  10. I am going to trust Lin Wood, Sydney Powell and Trump. I am a very impatient person, but I am being more patient than I ever thought I could be.

    That’s not to say I don’t at times get down or get very worried, but for the most part I have stayed pissed off and I haven’t been quiet like I normally am. I’ve always been very paranoid about contacting politicians, much less calling them out on social media. My anger doesn’t allow me to be quiet anymore, it might come back and bite me in the ass when they make me pay, but I’m not going to be quiet.

  11. ORWW

    Did you ever see that meme about the two vulture perched on a tree branch and one is saying to the other “Screw this waiting for something to die, let’s go kill something”.

    That’s me.

  12. Brad, I’m there as well, nobody knows how close I am to snapping when I see their masks or hear them talking about how bad the virus is.

    BTW, listening to that Lin Wood video he brought up the CIA, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it’s being said that the CIA headquarters was the server they took and both of these attorneys keep bringing up the CIA.

    Probably about the only thing the crazies on the left agree with every other rational person is the CIA. If they show the evidence it was the CIA coordinating with Dominion or doing the steal themselves, I think even the majority of them will be on board to drain the swamp. The only ones that won’t be are the swamp, the media and the crooked politicians.

  13. While it’ encouraging to read – it doesn’t matter if Lin Wood thinks DJT got 400 e.v. He has to prove it. In such a way that the people who certify the votes have to act on it and certify the vote for Trump. And not just ignore it.


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