Breitbart: CNN aired a high-profile report last week in which journalist Clarissa Ward ostensibly discovered a “forgotten prisoner” languishing in a windowless cell in Syria. The man claimed he had been arrested by dictator Bashar Assad three weeks earlier and was not aware the Assad regime had since been overthrown by rebels. On Sunday, an independent news service claimed CNN’s celebrity prisoner was actually a Syrian intelligence agent who tricked the network into giving him positive media coverage. more here
6 Comments on Report: CNN May Have Been Duped By Fake ‘Syrian Prisoner’
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Well yet another libtard narcissist gets punked. 🙄
“ “The decision to release the prisoner featured in our report was taken by the guard – a Syrian rebel…”
You still got punked, Lady Skeletor. And the “Syrian Prisoner” is probably still in the wind. Hell, for all we know, he was playing for both sides all along, and he and the rebel both set you up.
Aren’t you the least bit suspicious how you got to run free among the head-choppers to get this pristine “scoop”?
Yeah, it’s a little known fact that three months in light deprived solitary confinement will have you coming out with clean clothes, a dark complexion, a perfectly trimmed beard, and a manicure.
Basically, to be a journalist these days, you must first be a complete fucking idiot.
Harry sez: when you don’t deal in facts, yer easy to fool!
jazmin, try giving blowjobs to *******
Nobody is MORE DUPED than the idiots that watch CNN and think they are watching “facts” or the “news.”