Report Concludes Obesity Fueling Malnutrition – IOTW Report

Report Concludes Obesity Fueling Malnutrition

The recently released Global Nutrition Report claims 129 nations face malnutrition not from a lack of food, but from too much of the wrong kind. 

The authors claim “hundreds of millions of people are now malnourished because they are overweight with too much sugar, salt or cholesterol in their blood.”


Who funded and who put the report together-  here

15 Comments on Report Concludes Obesity Fueling Malnutrition

  1. oh..and tips for keeping the metabolism high, which really means keeping your body temp up

    drink lots of water


    5 meals, 3 main, 2 small protein snacks

    get sleep

    12 hrs between dinner and breakfast, no food during this period

    of course, exercise, including building muscle mass that increases the metabolism with every pound of muscle gained

  2. It’s true.

    Except the problem is, the sugar spikes and the body will STORE fat and be very unhealthy, become broken long term, when you feed it excess carbs (eg, potatoes, starchy beans, ..) and sugary crap..

    But the fat is just another symptom of the problem. It is not the cause of the problem.

    To say we need to tackle obesity is misleading; it is a symptom. But the cure is the same either- correct the diet! And it is the only way. Exercise will not do it. But most people believe (wrongly) that exercise is the cure; thus most people fail at correcting the problem.

    The real cause is, way too much unhealthy food as the report says. Mostly becuase of daily carbs overload, x1000.

  3. Lazlo was one of those musicians in the eighties.
    I had no trouble walking away from all the substances.
    And I drank deeply of the cup of fun, let me tell you.
    But sugar, that hideous damnable devil-condiment!
    Curse it, we hates it. We hates it forever.

  4. Bill Gates has gone crazy in his “retirement”. Gone full-blown progressive, trying to control our lives.

    Hey Billy, if people tried to control you many moons ago, you wouldn’t have the time or money to now try to control ours. Just shut up and go away!

  5. ‘improve global warming’
    ‘income inequality’
    It’s not surprising to see these terms in the report.

    Lay off the sugar including high sugar fruits. Lay off the refined carbohydrates. Eat meat, eat good fats. Eat real food.
    There I said it all and didn’t need a mega-million dollar grant to figure it out.
    Where my Nobel prize at for solving obesity and diabetes?

  6. @jclady that’s why I added the link, dollar to donuts Bill and Melinda are vegans.

    It’s not enough that people aren’t starving, now we’re suppose to dictate what people eat.

    Educate and encourage, but not legislate dietary standards.

  7. Eventually, (in true Ayn Rand fashion), this is a self-correcting problem.
    All the unhealthy eaters will suffer health problems and die earlier.
    All the healthy eaters will have good health and live longer.

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