Report: FBI Stalling Release of Nashville School Shooter’s Manifesto – IOTW Report

Report: FBI Stalling Release of Nashville School Shooter’s Manifesto

Breitbart: A report in the New York Post cites a Nashville politician who claims the FBI is stalling release of a manifesto left behind by the 28-year-old transgender attacker who killed six people in a Christian school on March 27, 2023.

Metro Nashville Council Member Courtney Johnston talked to the Postsaying, “What I was told is, her manifesto was a blueprint on total destruction, and it was so, so detailed at the level of what she had planned.”

She added, “That document in the wrong person’s hands would be astronomically dangerous.”

Johnston claimed the FBI is stalling the release and, even if the release happens, only portions of the manifesto will be made public. MORE

22 Comments on Report: FBI Stalling Release of Nashville School Shooter’s Manifesto

  1. * MANIFESTO *

    I, ██████, am planning to ██████████████████ and ████████████ which I expect to ████████████. My reasons are ████████████, ██████, and ████████████████████████.

    …and so on with similar effect.

  2. Stalling, my ass. They are actively engaging in authoring it. What will be released to the public will have absolutely nothing of substance whatsoever that is consistent with the version written by the shooter.

  3. It will also scrub any reference to who exactly enabled and encouraged it. I’m not just blindly speculating on this, we have the history of how they have kept Ray Epps involvement on their behalf in their operations on January 6th, 2021 concealed to go by.

  4. * MANIFESTO *

    Everything I am planning to do ██████████████████ is ████████████ because of ████████████ President ████████████████████████ Trump.

  5. @fuah – “…keep skng drat/trans-it dk & swallowing, assholes…”

    Do you mind being a little less cryptic and a lot more descriptive of the point you’re trying to make? Otherwise, find another site to spew your gibberish.

  6. The two thoughts I entertain.
    1. The FBLie is writing it.
    2. If the FBLie are not the authors of the manifesto.
    The shooter probably spills the tea on who her FBLie groomers/handlers were.

    I have been conservative over 70 years. Never voted for the leftist GWB. Biased I am.

    When GWB made Mueller head 22 years ago it was with the intent to make the FBI a tool of the America hating “elite”! Jeb is a dummy (1); George is a degenerate; not a dummy! Bush wanted to destroy the FBI; so Mueller is his man!

    (1) 17 years ago when defending the crime wave made by GWB’s “open borders” he said, “When an illegal rapes a 3 year old, IT IS AN ACT OF LOVE!”!?@?$?!?* IF that was/is not dumb – what is?

  8. Remember to vote! Don’t forget your obligation to your country and countrymen. Do your duty. Really. There is an election coming! Really! Make your voice heard! Really. Honest. No, I mean really! The will of the people, remember? C’mon, man, the, uh, the mmmh, you know, the thing!

  9. My take on this is the nutjob was being led to committing this act of horror by our own deep state operatives and now they are feverously cleaning up the paper trail it left which meticulously detailed all of the communications it had with the operatives and their brainwashing and suggestions to kill children.
    Just like the Las Vegas shooter.

  10. It no longer matters if the ‘manifesto’ is released or not. It’s been two weeks.
    More than enough time for the criminals infesting the JustUs Department/FBI to have totally rewritten it to suit their agenda. ANYTHING released can NOT be believed. In fact it’s a 100% certainty that anything they release will NOT be an accurate reflection on the insane shooter and their mentation.


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