Report: FBI wants to question Prince Andrew about ties to Jeffrey Epstein – IOTW Report

Report: FBI wants to question Prince Andrew about ties to Jeffrey Epstein

The FBI now appears to be looking into Prince Andrew’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein. One America’s Andrea Boyd explains.

19 Comments on Report: FBI wants to question Prince Andrew about ties to Jeffrey Epstein

  1. So now that the Federal Bureau of Incompetence is on the case he is sure to walk after they expend millions of man-hours and multi millions of tax payer dollars! Old J. Edger will be doing a dance in his pink Tutu!

  2. Andrew brought his bad luck upon himself by associating with the devil. Now DOTgov will make scapegoat mince meat out of Andrew’s sorry ass to distract Joe U.S. Average from thinking about amerikka’s power elite who associated with the same devil. Hint: who made loud pre-emptive noise about getting to the bottom of the mess right after Epstein didn’t kill himself? Yup!

  3. Wow!
    The FBI actually wants to question someone?
    What happened? All out of fictitious accusations and imaginary “investigations?”
    Haven’t been able to manufacture the “evidence” needed?

    Ask Bill first. We KNOW about Bill’s association with Epstein – no “alleged,” there. We KNOW he took flights to Pedo Island – might have been payoffs for something or just “meet and greets.”

    What a gaggle of hypocrites. Prince Andrew isn’t an American citizen – he should tell them to “Fuck Off.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The FBI wants to find out how much Prince Andrew knows about, “Epstein didn’t kill himself” Pedo Enterprises. For all the FBI knows Andrew might be an equal partner, and also has little black books filled with names of fellow elite, high-powered pervs. If that’s the case, the compromised, corrupt FBI will have to “fix” the situation like they did with Epstein.

  5. Tyranny has reached the stage that libertarians should be joining militias.

    If you were a millionaire politician with child porn planted on your computer, would you rock the boat by criticizing the police state or keep quiet?

    No one should respect anyone who obeys laws or pays taxes. Anyone who loves tyranny is a traitor.

    Never think that tyranny doesn’t affect you.

    Millions of people who have kept quiet or joined the Gestapo have been killed by tyranny.

    The softcore tyranny with a smile in the USA will soon become hardcore tyranny.

    You can’t even trust the sports scores or weather reports today.

    Americans are being hit on all sides now. The US is a police state, the media lies, and anyone who loves freedom is called a racist, nutjob, bot, spammer, or troll, and is banned, gets an IRS audit, is arrested, or killed.

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