Report: FCC Chairman Pai Planning a Fast Repeal of Net Neutrality – IOTW Report

Report: FCC Chairman Pai Planning a Fast Repeal of Net Neutrality


Breitbart: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai plans a quick repeal of the controversial net neutrality order and wants to replace it with lighter regulations intended to preserve an open internet.

Chairman Pai, a Republican appointed by President Donald Trump, met with telecommunications groups on Tuesday to discuss his plans .

The net neutrality order, created by former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler back in early 2015, regulates the internet similar to a public monopoly. Net neutrality prohibited telecommunications companies from creating internet “fast lanes” that would ensure consistent Skype video chat, and high-resolution Netflix streaming.  read more

10 Comments on Report: FCC Chairman Pai Planning a Fast Repeal of Net Neutrality

  1. I’m glad to see these falsely named regulations being rolled back. There was a great hue and cry about rolling back the regulation preventing ISP’s from selling browser history. All this regulation did was to give the monopoly on selling your history to Democrat donor Google.

    There isn’t one Obama regulation that prioritized individual rights and free markets over politicial donors.

  2. What Barkey did was to institute the democRat vision of their New Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, out-of-control, dictatorial “regulation”, with insane Bathroom Rules for Radicals, sanitized transcripts for our “protection” along Pay-To-Play graft, massive corruption and a continuous stream of preposterous propaganda (lies) to prop it all up with. The goal was always to slow America and drag us down to a Third World level of productivity to let our enemies catch up. Weaken America anyway possible thru wild, irresponsible spending on frivolous agendas and distractions. Remember that the next time a democRat runs for office! Net Neutrality was only a small section of the swamp, but I’m glad it’s being rolled back!

  3. There are other, so-called reasonable sites, that praise net-neuter because the idiots there *believe* it will make internet access cheaper and *equally* available for start-up internet companies to compete against the giants like Google and Netflix.
    Actually, like any other gov’t program of late, it would just make access just as expensive for the start-ups as it is for the large bandwidth users. Giving the major ISP companies an excuse to raise rates (the gov’t is making us raise the rates!). This utopian idea needs to go the way of the do-do bird.

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