Report: Feds Are Wasting Billions Protecting ‘Endangered’ Animals That Are Just Fine – IOTW Report

Report: Feds Are Wasting Billions Protecting ‘Endangered’ Animals That Are Just Fine

DC: The federal government has spent hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to protect species listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that were never in danger of extinction, according to a Heritage Foundation report.

Robert Gordon, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Free Markets and Regulatory Reform, studied the Endangered Species Act and the federal bureaus in charge of administering and regulating it. Gordon released his report, which focuses on inconsistencies and waste in the listing and de-listing of species, Tuesday.

Former-President Richard Nixon signed the ESA into law in 1973, following the president’s push for stronger environmental protections the previous year. Nixon charged his “environmental awakening”  for stronger environmental regulation in areas such as sewage, air and noise just two years after the Environmental Protection Agency’s founding.  more here

8 Comments on Report: Feds Are Wasting Billions Protecting ‘Endangered’ Animals That Are Just Fine

  1. The whole point of being a ‘denier’ about Globull Warming and endangered species is that it is a waste of my money. Go ahead and waste your personal money, but don’t spend government money and tell me it’s a good use of resources.
    Of course the whole point of spending money like this is that you (and by you I mean presidents and Congressmen) can push it to your friends, who will pay you back later.

    Half the time I write stuff I feel like I’m mansplaining. 🙂

  2. how to siphon money from the federal tit
    1 create a imaginary crisis
    2 hype the hell out of the crisis in the media by stating the extreme
    consequences that can occur if something is not done NOW
    3 Apply for federal grant money to study the problem. Get big bucks.
    4 Write paper full of manufactured data, use a lot of big words
    5 Repeat as necessary

  3. This is all part of the DC money spigot for upper middle class housewives and the idle offspring of the rich to rake in millions from government for noble sounding “environmental” causes. It’s been a racket for over 40 years now.


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