Report: Ford’s FBI Friend, Monica McLean, Pressured Witness To Modify Testimony and Statement – IOTW Report

Report: Ford’s FBI Friend, Monica McLean, Pressured Witness To Modify Testimony and Statement

CTH: If you thought it was sketchy that Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford’s life-long best friend was a recently retired FBI agent and DOJ official, Monica McLean {Go Deep}; and if you thought it was sketchy that McLean and Ford were together on July 30th when Ford was writing a  letter to Dianne Feinstein, likely making the friend Ms Ford’s “handler” for the operation against Kavanaugh; then it’s even more sketchy today with a report that McLean was pressuring witness Leland Keyser to shape her statements and testimony to the FBI.

According to the Wall Street Journal the FBI has text messages from Ms. McLean to witness Ms. Keyser, directing her to modify statements more favorable to Ms. Ford.  MORE HERE

10 Comments on Report: Ford’s FBI Friend, Monica McLean, Pressured Witness To Modify Testimony and Statement

  1. I’m so glad you posted this first thing (PDT), Fur.

    I am often astonished at how myopic I can get about these kinds of things, and I really feel like I was caught flat-footed here. But when you see all the connections, it is so completely obvious what has been transpiring and how long it has been in motion.

    Chuck Grassley’s letter to Ford’s lawyers is a real eye-opener too. I hope and pray that his call to investigate all the parties to this charade and fraud perpetrated on the American people will run to ground all the criminal participants and result in prosecutions of same.

  2. The plot thickens. This shit is getting downright weird.
    I couldn’t spell michiaveallian.
    A real attorney general would be all over this crap in a heartbeat. It would be nice if we had one.

  3. Are any of the Gaslight Gang Media reporting a single word about McLean yet? It was nothing but crickets all day yesterday. And I hope the ex-BF is in WITSEC. He’s a marked man now. It would not surprise me if they found child porn onto his computer.

  4. I entertain the possibility that the polygraph itself could have been taken by McLean. The purported photo of Ford at the polygraph does not look like Ford, but rather McLean. The provenance of the referenced ‘statement’ is not provided, and anyone could honestly answer no to a question about the existence of any falsities in “your” statement, if it indeed were not theirs. Nor did the polygraph verify the identity of the person being tested.
    Yeah, I know. But the video surveillance records of the hotel lobby and elevators where the polygraph was performed should be secured for review. I’d bet she was at least in attendance.

    “pull out the stopper, lets have a whopper…”

  5. But, but, but we’re suppose to believe all self proclaimed victims. Chase down those leads Grassley and use what ever subpoena powers you have to force them to reveal themselves.

  6. Perjury,subornation of perjury, witness tampering, conspiracy to obstruct justice, obstruction of justice.

    And they criticize Kavanaugh as “entitled”.

    Time for some no-knock raids of homes and offices of the conspirator-attorneys. Entitlement, thy name is Christine’s BFF

  7. I agree that at least the hair in the purported polygraph photo looks more like McLean’s hair than like Ford’s, but look at the face. I think it’s Ford, but at the hearing they gave her a sleek blowout and choppy layers that she could keep playing with to make her look innocent and wronged. McLean is chubby


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