Report: ‘High-Level’ Amazon and Microsoft Directors Face Charges Following Sex Trafficking Sting – IOTW Report

Report: ‘High-Level’ Amazon and Microsoft Directors Face Charges Following Sex Trafficking Sting

Breitbart: “High-level Amazon and Microsoft directors” face charges following a sex trafficking sting that was based on emails sent to brothels.

According to Engadget, Newsweek “got its hands on a slew of emails sent to brothels and pimps between 2014 and 2016 that document the industry’s patronage of brothels and purchasing of services from trafficked sex workers.”

“Among the emails, which were obtained through a public records request to the King County Prosecutor’s Office, were 67 sent from Microsoft employee email accounts, 63 from Amazon accounts and dozens more from companies like Boeing, T-Mobile, Oracle and local Seattle tech firms,” the report claims. “Some of the emails were collected during a 2015 sting operation that targeted sex worker review boards and resulted in the arrest of 18 individuals, including high-level Amazon and Microsoft directors. Two opted for a trial, which is currently set to begin in March.”

The revelation that Amazon and Microsoft directors were implicated in the sting prompted the two companies to release statements condemning sex trafficking.  read more

9 Comments on Report: ‘High-Level’ Amazon and Microsoft Directors Face Charges Following Sex Trafficking Sting

  1. Two reasons why Amazon and Microsoft employees are buying sex: 1) They’re total nerds who cannot get women to have sex with them willingly; and 2) Thanks on H1-B visa abuse, I’ll bet many of the “buyers” are from Asian countries where sex trafficking is commonly accepted. The companies obviously have had problems in the past with employees buying sex workers’ services while on company time (on business trips) and with company expense accounts. Why else would they need to spelll out in the employee handbook that this behavior is a no-no.

    I spent many years at one of America’s largest corporations, and I can telll you that the employee handbook had no such rules. Employees knew not to do these things. It was a given. The employee handbook simply stated that employees must adhere not only to the letter, but also the spirit, of the law.

  2. How, exactly, are they sure there was “trafficking”? It seems now every arrest or prosecution involving the oldest profession is related to “trafficking”. I’m thinking this is the social equivalent of “global warming” and meant simply to imply the women, as always, are “victims”.

    I’m certain trafficking exists, but if this is a bell curve like most things, the vast majority of prostitutes aren’t forced into it.

  3. Trafficking or just prostitution? Look at how feminism has conflated them to meet their goals of making men as miserable as they are.

    It’s fun to see how young hookers travelling the world free as birds with wardrobes rivalling Melania, snort coke, have sex with their pick of wealthy men, party on yachts etc and when the wrinkles come on FAST at about age 28, all of a sudden it’s ‘trafficking’.

  4. Hey Tired Mom,

    They might be buying sex also because most women these days are physical disasters. Also, their tax burden/work hours are so high that they don’t have time for proper courtship even if they did stumble upon a woman under a buck sixty. False rape allegations and the incredible, before-our-eyes deterioration of modern women also factor in, I would think.

  5. Dudes got caught, now they have to explain it to their wives, so burn this story. If it were me, I’d hunt the sob down that ratted me out. Cheap, indiscreet pussy is hard to come by in the US. Live free or die.

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