Report: Illegal Aliens March Through Times Square Chanting ‘Abolish ICE!’ – IOTW Report

Report: Illegal Aliens March Through Times Square Chanting ‘Abolish ICE!’

A group of alleged illegal aliens reportedly marched through New York City’s Times Square while calling for the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

9 Comments on Report: Illegal Aliens March Through Times Square Chanting ‘Abolish ICE!’

  1. That’s like a parade of shoplifters and holdup artists chanting

    But…Duh! Of COURSE criminals don’t want to be punished for their crimes! They may be stupid but they’re not stoooopid.

  2. Under Trump, ICE will photograph all of the protestors and if any of them are here illegally they will be arrested, verified as illegal aliens, and then deported immediately, regardless of what the ACLU, DNC, MSM, and UN says. At least that’s my hope.

  3. “Wait till the bombings, shooting, stabbings and riots start. This is the obama/soros/chicomm army.”

    True. Imagine these “New Arrivals” organizing this themselves. Didn’t happen. And violence is right around the corner. You are responsible for your own survival.


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