CA: Report claims Illegals are missing doctor’s appointments out of fear of deportation – IOTW Report

CA: Report claims Illegals are missing doctor’s appointments out of fear of deportation

Go get your boots, it’s about to get thick up in here…

KFI: A report from ABC 7 says fear of deportation is keeping illegal immigrants from going to their doctor’s appointments.

This is such a one-sided report, clearly meant to make us feel sympathetic for the people interviewed.  But we don’t.  Why should we feel bad?!  These people are breaking the law.

At the Antelope Valley Community Clinic in Lancaster, they’ll see anybody regardless of immigration status.

But according to dentist Dr. Richard Rojas, doctors at the clinic are seeing more patients skip their appointments:

“In the last few months we noticed a drop-off considerably in the number of people that are coming in for treatment.”

ABC 7 reporter Denise Dador talked with “Maria,” an illegal immigrant with two kids, who are citizens, who need regular checkups and immunizations:

“I’m afraid with all the news and everything that they tell us that we’re going to get stopped at any time and deported.”

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13 Comments on CA: Report claims Illegals are missing doctor’s appointments out of fear of deportation

  1. Good. Maybe American citizens can visit a dr or emergency dept without a 6 hr wait from them clogging up the waiting area with their 17 fam members in tow like it’s a fiesta.

  2. “Maria’s” brats aren’t citizens unless the father is, and I bet she can’t find him/them. Just because she made it across the border illegally before dropping her pups doesn’t make that clump of cells a U.S. citizen. The only anchor those ninos y ninas should be is to keep her from moving here from her rat-hole country. Why are ANY of these illegals getting public assistance?

    I am SO tired of being crapped on by foreigners, along with U.S. politicians and progtards (but I repeat myself). Come on, President Trump, please take care of this problem posthaste.

  3. This reminds me of the front page article our little local paper ran a few years back bemoaning the horrible plight of local illegals who were the victims of crimes committed by other illegals. Meanwhile, right inside the cover in the Police Blotter, half of the drug and DUI arrestees’ names end in Z, and the icing on the cake of charges is always a ticket for driving without a license.

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