Report: Intel Officials Support Revoking Brennan, Clapper Security Clearances – IOTW Report

Report: Intel Officials Support Revoking Brennan, Clapper Security Clearances


A report claims that members of the intelligence community privately support revoking the security clearances of former CIA Director John Brennan and ex-DNI Head James Clapper, who they accuse of weaponizing access to classified information against the Trump administration.

Lee Smith of RealClearInvestigations writes:

President Trump has been criticized for politicizing the intelligence community by threatening to strip the security clearances of former top officials including John Brennan and James Clapper. But numerous past and present senior intelligence officials say that the Obama administration started the politicization — and that revoking the clearances of those who abuse the privilege for partisan purposes may help right the ship.

“As is often the case with the Trump administration, the rollout of the policy is bad, but the idea driving the policy is sound,” said one senior intelligence official who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke to RealClearInvestigations only on condition of anonymity. “Under some Obama-era intelligence chiefs, intelligence was used as a political weapon. We need to root that out, not reward it.”  more here

12 Comments on Report: Intel Officials Support Revoking Brennan, Clapper Security Clearances

  1. Obama brought Chicago machine politics to DC and the corruption readily took hold among the career vermin.
    The security clearances were kept in place for those retiring as a “perk” so they could continue to profit from sensitive information even after leaving their positions.
    Just think about that reasoning, it says a lot about the level of corruption. Disgraceful.

  2. There you go, “members of the intelligence community privatively support revoking”. Why wouldn’t someone with some guts speak openly about their thoughts on the issue. No, they are all hiding in the wings, and are afraid of speaking their minds openly. Hush hush no names that’s going no where’s fast. What ever happened to a “need to know”??

  3. “As is often the case with the Trump administration, the rollout of the policy is bad, but the idea driving the policy is sound,” said one senior intelligence official…”

    Rollout was bad? How so?

    You know what is a bad rollout? When you roll out your poison anonymously, senior intel official. You end up caught in my Fake News filter.

  4. Supposedly, these kinds of people keep their security clearance after the party changes because they may be needed to tell how previous decisions were made and carried out, and they need to have clearance to hear new classified info that might apply. That might have applied in previous administrations, but President Trump isn’t using the old ways, he’s using ones that actually work, and he’d hardly believe anything these traitors told him anyway.

  5. @perry August 3, 2018 at 8:46 am

    > Why wouldn’t someone with some guts speak openly about their thoughts on the issue.

    Because their thoughts on the issue are “No extra-judicial perks for thee. But theys good for me.”

    So, let’s not make this a public issue.

  6. I worked as IT manager for an ambulance company. It was standard practice that IF anyone left the company or was termed, they lost ALL access IMMEDIATELY. Zero tolerance. This CLEARLY should be the practice for our national security as well.

  7. Brennan & Clapper should have learned their security clearance had been removed from news reports. Not read in them that it is being considered. (You don’t tell the enemy the direction of and the type of attack before it starts, if you want to win)

    I don’t know much about Clapper’s background, but at minimum he should have lost his security clearance moments after it was found he lied under oath in Congressional testimony.

    From what I’ve read about Brennan – he should have never received a security clearance, even a low level one. And absolutely should have never been made head of the CIA.


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