Report: Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump Scale Back Roles amid Increasing Pressure – IOTW Report

Report: Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump Scale Back Roles amid Increasing Pressure


Breitbart: Jared Kushner, President Trump’s senior adviser, and daughter Ivanka Trump are reportedly shrinking their West Wing roles as the pair comes under increasing pressure and annoys top officials with their presence and terrible advice to the president.

According to Axios, the couple is making more of an effort to “stay in their lane” due to their creating “periodic confusion and resentment” by their presence. White House counsel Don McGahn has reportedly complained about the couple’s presence, while Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is rumored to have nicknamed them “the royal family,” according to the outlet.

The decision comes after Trump’s decision to back Sen. Luther Strange in the Alabama Senate primary backfired spectacularly and Strange was crushed by conservative challenger Judge Roy Moore. Kushner is widely believed to have been a key voice in urging Trump to get involved in the race and back Strange — a decision Trump himself admitted may have been a “mistake.”  more here

11 Comments on Report: Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump Scale Back Roles amid Increasing Pressure

  1. This is such a National Enquirer article. “reported” and “rumored” so the story can get down to the slander of the day about how stupid Trump is for backing another Republican that the journalist doesn’t like – because that Republican was a Republican.

  2. I reject the premise – That Trump lets libtards, even if they are his relatives, dictate his policy for him in the first place.

    I get to where I find every news story about Trump is actually the reporter’s imagination about what he wishes is true and it is to the point that even if the story did have some basis in truth I reject it as fake now.

    That Ivanka is a leftist and she tells him what to do is suspect to say the least.

  3. I agree. No one elected Hillary when Bill was prez and same for Mooch when Barry was prez. We howled and moaned when they thought they were co-presidents.

    Should be no difference when it is a Republican president.

  4. I don’t have anything against Ivanka, I admire her, but she has no business in the White House and neither does her husband. If POTUS wants their advice he can ask for it.

    Having family in advisory roles in politics is always suspect, creating jealousy and whining, like we see right now.

    Better that Trump choose caution over nepotism. Of course, I’m sure he’s well aware of that.

    And besides, Kushner seems a bit Paul Ryan-ish to me.

  5. Pack up and get out.
    DJT can handle it without them, and their presence makes things worse. Thanksgiving is coming, have a family get together then and talk about things.

  6. How’s that Middle East peace process working out, Jared? Is peace at hand? The whole world wonders if progress is progressing under the son-in-law? How many billions are we going to contribute to buy some more unenforceable agreements?

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