Report: Messages on Hunter Biden laptop appear to confirm Secret Service involvement in gun scandal – IOTW Report

Report: Messages on Hunter Biden laptop appear to confirm Secret Service involvement in gun scandal

JustTheNews- Text messages allegedly retrieved from the laptop of Hunter Biden appear to confirm that the U.S. Secret Service and the FBI both had involvement in the now-unfolding scandal in which one of Biden’s firearms was discovered in a Delaware trashcan. 

News reports have claimed that the Secret Service may have inserted itself into that controversy several years ago, even after Hunter Biden’s protection detail from that agency had already ended at that time. 

On Friday, meanwhile, the New York Post said that text messages obtained from Biden’s infamous laptop appear to confirm those claims.  MORE

10 Comments on Report: Messages on Hunter Biden laptop appear to confirm Secret Service involvement in gun scandal

  1. What laptop?

    Never heard about it on the evening news.

    You are all making it up.

    The FBI would have surely arrested him if he did anything wrong.

  2. False flags and cover ups. That is what our government is up to.

    I wouldn’t have said that 20 years ago, but now? It’s all they do.

    And the media plays along as long as it targets the right people.

  3. Anonymous MARCH 26, 2021 AT 9:01 PM
    “Hmmm – any unsolved ‘drug deal gone wrong’ shootings in the area?”

    Don’t worry; if there were, the FBI and SS have that “covered” too.


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