Report: Michael Bloomberg Paying Social Media Influencers to Make Him ‘Seem Cool’ – IOTW Report

Report: Michael Bloomberg Paying Social Media Influencers to Make Him ‘Seem Cool’


The presidential campaign of former New York City mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg has begun an initiative to pay social media users to promote his work and agenda ahead of the 2020 election.

The startup, seen by the Daily Beast as an attempt for Bloomberg to “seem cool,” comes a few days after Bloomberg’s campaign announced its plans to double the amount he spends on advertising amid several problems with the Iowa caucus.

Tribe, a “branded content marketplace” that connects social-media users and influencers with brands they would like to promote, can now be used to show support for Bloomberg’s campaign while receiving payment.

For a fee of $150, Bloomberg’s campaign is reaching out to micro-influencers, someone with 1,000 to 100,000 followers, to establish content “that tells us why Mike Bloomberg is the electable candidate who can rise above the fray, work across the aisle so ALL Americans feel heard & respected.” read more

22 Comments on Report: Michael Bloomberg Paying Social Media Influencers to Make Him ‘Seem Cool’

  1. Like I previous stated, Lil Mikes going balls out on advertisements in California. It’s crazy, you turn on you turn on the TeeVee and there he is standing on a box. Radio is off the hook. I’m relatively sure this guys smarter than me. But is Trump relying on California for the win? I don’t think so.

  2. well, that’s money well spent

    Bwaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaa … wheez, gasp …

    …. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaahahahaaaaaaha

    btw, you spelled ‘Fool’ wrong … you’re welcome

  3. Follow the money, he is on pace to spend 1 BILLION, that’s right with a B, dollars to try and get elected.

    I just for one do not think he will get elected because he is a short jewish billionaire from Boston. Who can’t appear to even eat ice cream normally??

    Ain’t happening. The Dems have a problem with this like Petey and being gay with the minority crowd. They can’t say this but that’s what’s goin on.

    Apologies to my any short, jewish, or folks from Boston in IOTW…

  4. There are some very clever people in marketing out there, case in point the “Pet Rock”, millions were sold.
    However this challenge strains credulity. Despite his resources this task falls into the category of alchemy.
    In other words no efforts can buff out this turd.

  5. Good thing he’s a billionaire then. But if you have to pay someone to make you cool, then it’s like being someone who only gets laid by hookers trying to pretend he’s a ladies man.


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