REPORT: MS-13 Terrorizes Families 7 Miles from White House – IOTW Report

REPORT: MS-13 Terrorizes Families 7 Miles from White House

breitbart; Just miles from the White House, an MS-13 gang has set up shop and is terrorizing a local immigrant community in Maryland. Their stronghold persists despite efforts by the Trump Administration to reign in the hyperviolent transnational criminal gang.

Abigail Bautista, an illegal alien from Guatemala, moved into the migrant neighborhood in Langley Park, Maryland, in 2012 and within a month, she began feeling the fear of living in an MS-13 community, the Washington Post reported.

The mother of five repeated the story of her first MS-13 encounter. Bautista described the fear she felt as she pushed her cart along the roadway and three young men walked up to her. She said one of the men asked her, “Do you know who we are?”

When she said no, they responded, “We are La Mara Salvatrucha. And here, there are rules.”

One of those rules includes paying $60 “rent” per week “or there would be trouble,” she explained.

The community in which she lives is located seven miles from the White House, the article states.

Many of the victims of MS-13 violence are illegal aliens living in communities from Houston to Northern Virginia and northward to New York, where President Trump spoke about gang violence earlier this year.  read more

14 Comments on REPORT: MS-13 Terrorizes Families 7 Miles from White House

  1. Illegal alien with 5 children, fearful of MS13 illegal shakedowns.
    Deport the mother, 5 children and the illegal MS 13 gangs.

    Seems simple enough, even Local Law enforcement, State Police and the Atty. General could figure this out. Deport them all.

  2. Sessions ought to make an example of this infection. Land on them with all the might of Federal law enforcement. Do the survellance, build a case then grab up the MS-13 gang bangers, seize all their assets and if illegal boot them out of the country the same day (include illegal family members), if not then prosecute with quick trials and toss the guilty in a supermax and those found not guilty release but watch. It may spark a war with MS-13 but as Obama said, the President has a pen and a phone.

  3. @scr_north December 21, 2017 at 12:13 pm

    If they intended to do what they did, but they didn’t intend it to be a crime, since we’re talking about federal law enforcement, can we just set them up with a lifetime stipend? Oh, and a security detail. Oh, and inheritance of stipend and security for their loyal American offspring?

  4. Langley Park, the community this woman lives in, is a magnet for illegals from Central America and has been for some time. It’s been a blighted, more-or-less ghetto for a long time.

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