Report: Obama Staffers Mourn Precious, Precious Regulations – IOTW Report

Report: Obama Staffers Mourn Precious, Precious Regulations

Breitbart: Politico reports that Obama administration staffers are mourning the repeal of regulations that they had spent years crafting but which are being eliminated by a Republican Congress under the 1996 Congressional Review Act.

Many of the regulations were promulgated late in President Barack Obama’s term, in the hope of locking the incoming Trump administration into left-wing policies it would not be able to reverse.

Former Interior Department Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement director Joe Pizarchik told Politico that Congress had “ignored the will of the people” in repealing regulations such as a restriction on mountaintop coal mining that he had championed.

But critics would argue that the proliferation of such regulations, made and enforced by unelected bureaucrats, is precisely why Trump won in the first place.   MORE HERE

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