Report: Obama Told Biden to Quit the Race for the Good of the Party – IOTW Report

Report: Obama Told Biden to Quit the Race for the Good of the Party

PJ Media

The former president and other allies of Biden’s have advised him “to quit the 2024 race to save America and the Democratic Party,” according to a report from RadarOnline.

“Insiders snitched that tensions between the two presidents recently exploded after irate Obama rushed to a secret meeting and confronted Biden about his fading chances to fend off surging Republican candidate Donald Trump in the upcoming November election,” explains the report. More

21 Comments on Report: Obama Told Biden to Quit the Race for the Good of the Party

  1. For the sake of a sullen tranny, he means. What’s the scrawny, thin-skinned narcissist going to do when his beefy bitch creates or saves more votes than even superstar Biden? I reckon he’ll just continue to take it out on us in his fourth term.

  2. How much do you imagine the Chinese would be willing to pay the Obama’s to convince Joe to quit and pave the way for Michelle with another stolen election? Why, she’s irresistible!! 85 million votes this time!

  3. I’ll be honest, I’m amazed that Joe has held together even this long. I would have bet that he’d have some sort of “crisis” just over half-way through his term, step down (or be carried out), Kameltoe would take over, and then she’d be free to serve a full two terms afterwards. Unless Joe (who actually seems to believe that he’s in charge), Kameltoe would happily submit to being used as someone’s puppet.

  4. Don’t believe it will matter if Biden runs or is replaced. There are only two ways Trump will not be the next (legitimate) president. One is through massive voter fraud, and the other is a convertible ride through Dallas.


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