Report: Pelosi Said Meeting With Trump Was Like Getting “Tinkled” On By A Skunk – IOTW Report

Report: Pelosi Said Meeting With Trump Was Like Getting “Tinkled” On By A Skunk

during a meeting with other Democrat congressional leaders, Pelosi compared the meeting with Trump to a fight with a skunk. According to multiple reports, Pelosi said, “I was trying to be the mom. I can’t explain it to you. It was so wild. It goes to show you: ‘You get into a tickle contest with a skunk, you get tinkle all over you.’”


38 Comments on Report: Pelosi Said Meeting With Trump Was Like Getting “Tinkled” On By A Skunk

  1. Like the old Army corpse man saying goes, don’t tinkle into the screendoor of a submarine in a high wind.

    Granny McMumblemouth’s metaphor mangler and dementia generator strikes again.

  2. Anonymous DECEMBER 12, 2018 AT 8:15 AM
    When do we get to throw Pelosi and Schumer off a tall building?
    Say maybe Trump Tower.

    Now there’s a happy Christmas thought!
    No really, put a smile on my face…
    But the list is incomplete
    Maybe we could compile a list and announce they all drew a picture of the prophet…
    Just spitballing here as we ain’t living in the UK!

  3. …you ever notice that, some how, some way, whenever Democrats are involved they can’t discuss ANYTHING without going below the waist?

    …it’s like some kind of mental illness, some fixation that they all share, and it seems pretty perverted to me…

  4. “Nanc is the hooker in the Russian dossier?”

    …Nancy Pelosi, naked and selling her body. Thanks for that mental image, @not me.

    …could be worse, though. Could be Hillary…

  5. …and, skunk spray is not urine. Doesn’t even come from the same place.

    …but I guess it’s not surprising they’d confuse that too, since they don’t seem to understand that men have outies and women have innies, or even which hole is used for what.

    …nice science there, Democrats. Sure makes that “climate change” stuff you go on about more credible/s…

  6. One of my customers in Columbia Falls, Mt. that was run by an all women staff had a sign above their toilet that said, “If you sprinkle when you tinkle please clean up after yourself.” And if Nancy Pelousey was a supervillain in a comic book she’d be known as The Tinkler.

  7. She came up with that “Mom” and the “tinkle” line to try to draw attention away from the huge gaffe she made in front of the cameras when she repeatedly asked for the meeting to made private thus asking the public to be excluded from discussions. Her congress critters can’t be happy about her performance. Kind of a shame she’s appears to have bribed, cajoled and outright threatened her way to majority leader again.

  8. Trump gave those two a taste of things to come. They thought they’d walk in and roll him. The president already had a clever trap laid and their over confidence landed them in it dead center. For once the news cameras were used against them and public got a glimpse of these snakes in action.

  9. How’s she know?
    Anybody in the sycophantic media have the balls to ask?

    “Yo, Nan … does the skunk usually tinkle in your face, or on your shoes? Cuz President Trump just pissed in your face – on National Television!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Well if the dingbat would WEAR her ‘Depends’ (on her ASS – NOT her wig!), than she wouldn’t tinkle all OVER herself, when she gets scared of Trump. Or her own shadow. Or the grim reaper. Or… 🙄


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