Report reveals why State Department thought it was fine to pay the Taliban taxpayer money – IOTW Report

Report reveals why State Department thought it was fine to pay the Taliban taxpayer money

BPR: A State Department office gave the Taliban $1.8 million through foreign aid programs and defended the payments when asked about them, according to a government watchdog report.

A Department of Defense (DOD) inspector general report released Tuesday tells a story of bureaucratic procedures and excuse-making that allowed taxpayer dollars to enrich Afghanistan’s Islamic terror regime. The $1.8 million is a fraction of the foreign aid funneled toward terrorism under Former President Joe Biden, an issue the Trump administration seeks to address.

“State’s implementing partners made payments to the Taliban,” the report said regarding humanitarian organizations the State Department funds. “One State office reported that between September 2021 and December 2024 its implementing partners paid $1.8 million to the Taliban for a variety of expenses, including taxes on local staff salary and vehicle registration fees.” more

13 Comments on Report reveals why State Department thought it was fine to pay the Taliban taxpayer money

  1. Need to build a prison in the Artic for all of these criminals. thousands of miles from an human settlement.
    Maybe on that leftover Ice from the last Ice Age so they can monitor climate BS actively.
    We’ll check in around 2250.

  2. since we are all equal in the eyes of the law ( lol) since no one at the state department will be punished then I have to assume that we can make mistakes such as this??? hello IRS yes I didn’t file or pay taxes for the last twenty years but that is ancient history let’s bury the hatchet and start from the beginning. what , they won’t accept that? then why are we accepting this horse shit?

  3. They are malevolent pricks who do this shit because they live vicariously through others who the encourage and enable.

    It pleases them to steal our money, it pleases them when innocent people are targeted and murdered, and it pleases them to lie about it. The one they admire and wish to emulate is a liar, a murder and a thief, they get a trifecta on this one.

  4. Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery.

    Calvin Coolidge

    It has been my observation that any taxes above what are legitimate are used in ways that are antithetical to the stated purpose they are promised to be used for. Maybe that is not true, but if so ai have never seen a case in which it wasn’t.

  5. I suppose the DoD and State Dept poohbahs feel it’s now safe to disclose this. It’s taken President Donald Trump to put the fear of God in them.

    What were they afraid of under Biden? That he would order them to bring their wives and daughters to the WH for a good sniffing?

  6. Hahaha—-
    What an eye opener for those that fail to see the gigantic mistake of trusting a government employee/employees to make decisions for you.

    Can you imagine anything worse than financing our own demise???
    A simple fact:
    There are/is a large number of American officials that honestly need to face the gallows.


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