Report- Senator Amy Klobuchar mistreats her staff – IOTW Report

Report- Senator Amy Klobuchar mistreats her staff

huff poo-

At least three people have withdrawn from consideration to lead Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s nascent 2020 presidential campaign — and done so in part because of the Minnesota Democrat’s history of mistreating her staff, HuffPost has learned.

some former Klobuchar staffers, all of whom spoke to HuffPost on condition of anonymity, describe Klobuchar as habitually demeaning and prone to bursts of cruelty that make it difficult to work in her office for long.

It is common for staff to wake up to multiple emails from Klobuchar characterizing one’s work as “the worst” briefing or press release she’d seen in her decades of public service, according to two former aides and emails seen by HuffPost.

Although some staffers grew inured to her constant put-downs (“It’s always ‘the worst,’” one said sarcastically, “‘It was ‘the worst’ one two weeks ago”), others found it grinding and demoralizing. Adding to the humiliation, Klobuchar often cc’d large groups of staffers who weren’t working on the topic at hand, giving the emails the effect of a public flogging.


ht/ Tammy

20 Comments on Report- Senator Amy Klobuchar mistreats her staff

  1. The Minnesota left love her because she ‘does so much for us’. I could never figure out what they were talking about even after asking several of them. “Because she cares so much about blah blah blah (whatever leftist shit was ‘in’ at the time)”. Typical leftists couldn’t even articulate what their talking point meant. Just regurgitated it like a parrot.

  2. “Typical leftists couldn’t even articulate what their talking point meant. Just regurgitated it like a parrot.” – Claudia

    So true. Applies to them all all the time, every time.

    Love the mirror house of hearing them talk about fake news while they insist listening to anything other than CNN means you’re not getting all the news – um – correctly.


  3. notice how all these leftard publications are coming out & trying to pick off any demorat that strays off the reservation? (pun intended)

    Northam opens his mouth too much about planned infanticide, Warren exposed by WaPo, Gabbard ‘collusion’ w/ Russia, Kookbucher abusing staff because Huffpo rumors …. hell, practically every demorat abuses their staff in one way or another …. guaranteed!

    they’re culling the herd for someone

  4. Why not treat everyone like shit? Hillary was notorious for treating her most loyal sycophants like shit and they never wavered. Look how far she got. How bout the way Kerry and Gore treated everyone? Didn’t hurt them either. Bill Clinton raped everything with a pulse. Elected President. Ted Kennedy drowned his pregnant girl friend. Never lost a single Senatorial election. AOC stole from her coworkers and was elected to the House. President Johnson made his aids watch him take a shit. The media knew and adored him.

  5. I think that she might become the weathervane of the direction that the Democrat Party is taking now in its post Obama/Clinton era. With the exception of Tulsi Gabbard, Klobuchar is much more moderate sounding than all of the other females that have joined this race. That’s really not saying much, but she is the kind of Democrat that most of the country is used to seeing. She is very popular in Minnesota, but so was Hubert Humphrey. She is also a big time gun control advocate. If she doesn’t get much traction, then the Socialist-Demographic Party’s lemmings are going to guarantee that Trump gets re-elected.

  6. TommyBoy: Right about that one. In another, better day, perhaps Trump would have won every state except Minnesota if he was running against Walter Kloberchair. I’ve never understood the appeal of the Minnesota Democrat-Farm-Labor Party, but Trump came awfully close to winning the popular vote in this state, and I think he might do that in 2020 if Klobuchar isn’t the Democrat Party nominee.


    Short butchy hair
    40+ years old
    Has a little bit of power
    Smart mouth

    Yep. You got yourself a bitch alright. Whenever I went in for an interview, I NEVER put my best foot forward if anyone in the room resembled the phenotype. I knew I wouldn’t get the job anyway, or wind up quitting within 6 months, so instead of just getting up and walking out, I just tanked the interview.

    Happened too many times in my life, and other people, to even bother accepting a job with someone I know will hound me in some way or another.

  8. Looked up “cunning stunt” in the witchshunary and found Klobuchar’s pic along with Shrillary, Pelousy, and Occasional-Communist.

    Baby-killing, tranny-loving, open-our-borders, jihad-appeasing, CommiCrats.™


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