Report: Target, Starbucks, Other Retailers Will Still Require Masks After CDC Guidance Changes – IOTW Report

Report: Target, Starbucks, Other Retailers Will Still Require Masks After CDC Guidance Changes


Some of the country’s largest retailers will still require masks inside stores despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) decision to loosen mask wearing for fully vaccinated individuals.

Business Insider reported Friday: “Macy’s, Target, and Starbucks are among those saying they’ll still make masks mandatory for shoppers and workers in their stores.” Other companies that told the publication they will keep their mask mandates for now include:

• Kroger
• Home Depot
• Publix
• Dollar General

The report also identified several companies that are evaluating their policies in light of the CDC announcement but have not yet made any changes:

• Walgreens
• Gap
• Ulta

The report follows CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky’s announcement regarding the easing of mask mandates. Walensky noted that fully vaccinated people are still required to wear masks on modes of transportation such as es airplanes, buses, and trains.

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16 Comments on Report: Target, Starbucks, Other Retailers Will Still Require Masks After CDC Guidance Changes

  1. So does that mean all the businesses still requiring masks are a bunch of “science deniers”, then? After all, the CDC has spoken, and is not to be doubted.

  2. Was in my local Publix and Walmart this week. Didn’t wear a mask and no one said anything to me. There were many others who were in both stores without masks. Live in Florida, our governor has put the kabash on the little attilas IMO.

  3. I shop mask-less at Kroger, Publix, Home Depot and others who post a mask required sign. Nobody in any of those stores have said a word about wearing a mask. Nobody believes it…except Costco Sheeple employees.

  4. I boycotted any place requiring masks last year and have replaced them with mostly local stores. Less selection, but my money does not support the maskholes. Our Walgreens doesn’t require a mask, though they strongly encourage it. Not sure if I will go back to the others once they eliminate their mask requirements.

  5. I have found that my choice of stores have changed in favor of the ones that care more about me than the government.

    And those stores seem to be the smaller ‘mom/pop’ stores.

  6. The dollar general next town over (my town is very small) has had signs up since the beginning. Same with wally world in Norfolk. I have never worn one. I feel bad for the employees.

    I’m just waiting until they start cutting of social security if you don’t get the jab. And they will.

  7. Our Dollar General or Walgreens doesn’t make you wear a mask. I think they both might have a mask sign on their door, but I’ve never been told to wear a mask.

    As a matter of fact when Dollar General first put a mask sign on their door, I called their main office and spoke to the regional guy and told him they would get no more of my business and he said it was just a suggestion, customers didn’t have to wear a mask.

    I’ve only been denied entrance to a few places when I refused to wear a mask they tried to give me.

  8. In Maine General Mills threatened to pull business licenses of anyone not forcing masks and not counting the number of people in their places.
    If we want to grocery shop we had no choice.
    I have been putting on my fake mask (mesh). The girl at the entrance of Walmart loves it. No one says a thing.

    General Mills has felt the pressure though. As of May 24 pretty much all restrictions are gone.
    She had to.
    Tourism is our biggest industry and she destroyed last summer.
    Memorial Day is the official start.
    With other states nearby opening completely she had no choice.

    I won’t go someplace they will still be demanding fearmasking.

  9. Never been in a Macy’s, Starbuck’s, Publix, or a Target.

    Only been in Kroger, Home Depot, and Dollar General once or twice.

    Probably won’t miss me as I boycott.

    izlamo delenda est …

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