PJMedia: “Can’t stop the signal,” the phrase popularized in the 2005 sci-fi flick “Serenity” has today been supplanted by “Can’t hide the data,” courtesy of Data Republican (small-r)’s ever-improving Federal government grant award search. For example, how does a private figure like William Kristol get taxpayer money to fund his political activities?
Answer: it’s complicated. But I can show you the way.
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors received nearly $38 million in grants last year, nearly evenly divided between USAID and the State Department. Because the Rockefellers don’t have enough of their own money, I suppose.

RPA gave significant sums (the Data Republican chart did not make clear how much, but I’m still digging and will update this column if I can find the number) to The Hopewell Fund. What does it do? According to its site, Hopewell has been around only since 2015 and “is a 501(c)(3) public charity that specializes in helping donors, social entrepreneurs, and other changemakers quickly launch new, innovative social change projects.” more here
ALL these groups need to have their non-profit status revoked immediately and, wherever possible, because fraud or whatever, retroactively as well.
Wonder if any of these activities fall under RICO laws.
Worked on the (older) mafia.
Jus sayin
@janitor — Agree completely! These so-called non-profits need to have that status set aside while they re-apply from scratch. There needs to be a new application process put in place wherein they would need to provide a totally transparent description of what the organization does and what its goals are. Also necessary is a mandatory reporting process, also totally transparent, identifying where their money comes from and where it goes to. To get a tax break, anonymity must be waived.
You wouldn’t expect RINOs to use USAID funding to disseminate Propaganda and lobby Congress without receiving government funding do you??
You wouldn’t expect the enemies of the U.S., who are trying their best to kill us, to do so without our Government funding do you?
I suppose it is DEI gone mad to fund enemies of the U.S.
Revoke his non-profit looting and make him pay taxes on all funds received to date.
Kristol has long been a smug, treasonous mfer.
Who’da thunk it? Almost all anti-Trumpers eventually get caught with their hand in the public till. Sort of like they are all pro-corruption…
Uncle Al — They probably did all that, and that’s the problem.
When I posted that the Republican establishment is as bad, if not worse, threat to America as Democrats well ove a decade ago, it was not hyperbole. It’s to a degree comforting that I’m no longer getting pushback and that others are finally recognizing that what I had concluded from my observations was valid.
The Republican establishment is pure, unvarnished filth. Never trust a fucking one of them.
Bill Kristol won’t do well in prison.