Report: Victims of Cuba Embassy Attacks Suffering Physical Brain Damage – IOTW Report

Report: Victims of Cuba Embassy Attacks Suffering Physical Brain Damage

Breitbart: The Associated Press reported on Wednesday that the attacks on American diplomats in Cuba throughout the year may not be acoustic in nature, as doctors tell the outlet that they have found physical damage in patients’ brains.

Doctors say that an acoustic attack, as journalists had previously speculated occurred in Cuba, being responsible for such brain abnormalities would constitute an unprecedented medical occurrence.

The U.S. State Department has not discussed the details of the attacks on its staff, citing medical privacy issues, though Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has described the incidents in question as “attacks” and accused the Cuban government of having failed to prevent them. On Wednesday, Tillerson once again reiterated the belief of the Trump administration that the communist Castro regime could have stopped the harm, but failed to do so.

The Castro regime has denied any involvement in the attacks and the existence of the incidents entirely. A recent report on Cuban state television claimed that the disruptive sounds victims reportedly heard before suffering symptoms were crickets, cicadas, and other insects common to the tropical island. read more

10 Comments on Report: Victims of Cuba Embassy Attacks Suffering Physical Brain Damage

  1. “The communist government ultimately published a report on the findings of the investigation which absolved Cuba of any wrongdoing and accused the victims of the attacks of using insect sounds to claim an attack.”

    Well then, “Case Closed” according to the NY Times, WA Post, etc.

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