Report: Whoops, Nancy Pelosi’s Son Paul Jr. Was Exec at ‘Ukraine-Based Gas Company,’ Similar to Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Report: Whoops, Nancy Pelosi’s Son Paul Jr. Was Exec at ‘Ukraine-Based Gas Company,’ Similar to Hunter Biden

Here’s Pelosi hawking her son’s involvement in the gas company–

wayne dupree-

A new report out reveals that Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi also worked as an exec at a gas company with strong ties to the Ukraine, similar to Hunter Biden.

The Democrats are treating the Ukraine like “” for their lazy, do-nothing privileged kids.

A new report out reveals that Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi also worked as an exec at a gas company with strong ties to the Ukraine, similar to Hunter Biden.

How deep does the Dem/Ukraine corruption go, for crying out loud? We’re going to need bigger shovels to dig through this never-ending mess.


ht/ woody

16 Comments on Report: Whoops, Nancy Pelosi’s Son Paul Jr. Was Exec at ‘Ukraine-Based Gas Company,’ Similar to Hunter Biden

  1. Anyone catch Breitbart news the other day where Nancy was if front of the mic with a booger hanging out of her nose?
    It lit up the comments with some killer funny comments.

  2. Anybody recall Harry Reid’s relatives – and how they enriched themselves off of him?
    They (House, Senate, and Judiciary) don’t GAS about Joey Biden or that worthless whelp of his – it’s their own access to corruption that’s endangered.
    Gov’t “service” has been corrupt since … what? … 1783? … but guys were writing in the 1850s about how far corruption had spread. Indian agents were screwing the Indians at the beginning – and how deep the Indians got screwed depended on how connected the Agents were (see “On The Border With Crook” by Bourke, (~1890) for instance).

    Get someone to introduce a bill which demands capital punishment for corruption – and watch the maggots defend the indefensible. Same with lying to the American People – make it a capital offense – and watch the scrambling.

    It’s pathetic – and we support it – year after miserable year.
    That’s why a bunch of Repubes are sitting with their thumbs up their asses instead of coming out fighting for President Trump and the American people – they’re typical self-serving maggots waiting to see which way the wind is going to blow.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. We need to add Mercapton to the political gas bags who work at gas companies so everyone can be warned that they stink. And then everyone can be like, “What a bunch of stinkers! They’re really stinkin’ up the joint!”

    (Ordinarily, Democrats are just smelling themselves and can’t tell when they stink. Shit is like that.)

  4. All these privileged kids sitting on the boards of foreign energy companies while in this country their politician parents rant about the need to get off oil to save the planet? A dead fish that’s been laying in the sun for a week smells better.


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