Report: Wisconsin Lost Track of 82,000 Ballots in State Biden Won by 20,000 – IOTW Report

Report: Wisconsin Lost Track of 82,000 Ballots in State Biden Won by 20,000

Conservative Brief-
Wisconsin “lost track” of roughly 82,000 mail-in ballots in the state in the 2020 presidential election, the Daily Signal reported.

Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump by 20,682 votes in Wisconsin last November.

Wisconsin losing track of more than 82,000 mail-in ballots in the state represents more than four times the margin of difference between Biden and Trump, according to a report from the nonprofit Public Interest Legal Foundation. read more here

9 Comments on Report: Wisconsin Lost Track of 82,000 Ballots in State Biden Won by 20,000

  1. If you add those to the 44,000 illegal counts in Georgia, you start getting some pretty. big numbers.
    I guess Arizona has fallen off a cliff.
    They should also find out anyone who did not vote, but was voted for by computer.

  2. Trump won.

    Biden is a puppet for obama’s Left. oblowme is a traitor to this nation. Like his companions, Ayers, Dorne, etc., he hates America. Why else would he set up a command center in D.C. after leaving the WH? Freaking zombies for followers.

  3. Next time you happen across a famous face of the Media, punch their lights out:
    “Absolutely no evidence of massive voter fraud.”
    They ALL parroted that line, like their life depended on it.

    I hate them more than illegal ‘immigrants’. If you’re leaving a shithole to come here, there is a chance you are legit, but if you destroy the free country you’re priviliged to live in, you should be run out on a rail

  4. Have them define “massive” voter fraud. Most would say about 3 million votes, the number of votes that Trump “lost” by that would “change the outcome” of the election. What none of them understand or want to accept is we are a republic not a democracy, and want to abolish the electoral college because then their math falls apart. That is if they can fathom doing math in individual states instead of looking at the bottom row of total votes nationwide for each candidate. It only takes a “SMALL” number of votes, a “tiny” amount of voter fraud to change the election, but they don’t want to debate on those terms and call you stupid for suggesting such idiocy. They need MASSIVE RAMPANT fraud.

  5. Of course those ballots were never “misplaced” or “lost,” they were simply acquired and filled out for Joe Biden by the county clerks offices of Milwaukee and Dane counties as well as “cured” by the organizations funded by Zuckerburg in Racine and Green Bay.

    It takes a lot of busy hands to throw an election when there is only a 3 hour window in the middle of the night when the count was officially stopped and the ballot box stuffing shifted into high gear.

  6. “I guess Arizona has fallen off a cliff.”

    The media shutdown applies here, too. When’s the last time you’ve seen Behizy on media?

    “Biden is a puppet for obama’s Left.”

    O is also a puppet. The problem people are far away from the spotlight.

    @ Anonymous AUGUST 31, 2021 AT 2:28 PM

    Thanks for today’s propaganda from the left. But we already know your lies. Thanks for playing.


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