Report: Woman in China Shot Dead For Attempting to Break Through Coronavirus Roadblock – IOTW Report

Report: Woman in China Shot Dead For Attempting to Break Through Coronavirus Roadblock

Summit News:

A video out of China purports to show a woman who was shot dead by authorities for attempting to break through a coronavirus roadblock.

The clip, posted by Jennifer Zeng, is captioned “At Wuzu Town, Huangmei County in #Hubei , a woman was said to have shot dead after she attempted to break the blockade set up to contain #coronavirus.”

It shows a woman lying on the floor who has apparently been shot in the head. Another individual is crying over her dead body. People can be heard screaming and shouting in the background. Several police vehicles are parked nearby.

Another video posted by Zeng shows a coronavirus patient being forcibly bundled into a van as he tries to resist. read more

15 Comments on Report: Woman in China Shot Dead For Attempting to Break Through Coronavirus Roadblock

  1. Just remember, Justine Turdeau is on record as saying he admires the Chinese, “Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime.”

    CBC nov 9,2013

    No Justine. They control people with a bullet as do all communists and socialists.

  2. @Mx February 5, 2020 at 3:19 pm

    > Is the virus that fuckin bad? Or is this just commies being commies?

    It’s not nearly as bad as millions of new, ineducable, United Statesians. And we don’t shoot them. Because that’s not who we are!

    So, I guess we’re just not commie. Enough. Yet. For now.

  3. @Kcir (2 Faced Trudeau) February 5, 2020 at 3:22 pm

    > They control people with a bullet as do all communists and socialists.

    How dare you leave out the Rule Of Law™, jackboot licking conservatives!? How DARE YOU!?

  4. The Chinese response to this virus, something in excess of 60 cities and maybe as many as 100,000,000 people under strict lock down style quarantine enforced by the military seems a bit extreme for a disease that has (officially) only affected a small number of people (compared to, say, the flu season) and has (officially) only about a 2% fatality rate (and mostly among the older and more vulnerable populations).

    So why?

  5. Anonymous – My guess? I think it’s because they’re having huge problems with Hong Kong, Chinese pig farms were wiped out due to some diseases lately, they lost in trade with the US, etc. And now this? They have their plate full and are freaking out trying to save face. In the age of the internet, they can’t keep stuff hidden like they used to. So they overreact.


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