Report: Zelensky Embezzled $400 Million from US Payments Allocated for Fuel – IOTW Report

Report: Zelensky Embezzled $400 Million from US Payments Allocated for Fuel

GP: In a recent post on his blog, Seymour Hersh writes that Ukrainian President Zelensky embezzled $400 million from the US that was allocated to Ukraine for fuel. 

This isn’t the first time that we have heard about corruption in Ukraine.  In 2019 The Gateway Pundit reported on Ukrainian businessman Igor Kolomoisky, who controlled Ukraine’s largest commercial bank, Privat Bank.  This bank was said to control Burisma, the oil and gas company that gave Hunter Biden millions.  John Kerry was involved in Burisma as well.  There were reports that Kolmiosky somehow lost $1.8 billion of the bank’s money.  It was suspected that this money went offshore. TGP also reported on all the US politicians who were involved in Ukraine and it wasn’t just for world peace.  It wasn’t to help out the people of Ukraine either.

TGP shared that the current President of Ukraine ran against corruption in the country.  But he has blemishes too.  He had connections to banker Kolomoisky and he was accused of having $41 million in offshore funds.

Zelensky capitalized on widespread public anger at corruption, but his 2019 campaign was dogged by doubts over his anti-graft bona fides, given that his campaign was boosted by media belonging to Kolomoisky — who is accused of stealing US$5.5 billion from his own bank and funneling it offshore in concert with his partner, Hennadiy Boholiubov.

Seymour Hersh recently reported on more corruption in Ukraine involving Zelensky according to Eurasian Times: MORE HERE

13 Comments on Report: Zelensky Embezzled $400 Million from US Payments Allocated for Fuel

  1. By raise of hands, this surprises…..Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

  2. Seymour Hersh, back in Feb., reported to the NYT that he had evidence US Navy driver planted explosives, and detonated them remotely, that took out 3 of the 4 Nord pipelines in the Baltic Sea. The WH and The Pentagon deny it, of course, and since then everyone seems to have forgotten about it. So a clear provocative act of war allegedly perpetrated by our own government and nobody can definitively corroborate or exculpate this act or aggression. This highlights probably my biggest beef with my government. We know they lie, cheat, and steal, and do not have our best interests at heart, but there is no mechanism to hold them accountable.

    And OT, they caught the murderer of that Cash App guy Bob Lee. When this first came out I suspected that this was a gay sex act gone bad, based solely on the time of night and location. Turns out the murderer and Bob were acquainted but no other details were revealed.

  3. Remember, that in every political criminal mind like Biden’s, there was always an initial inner, silent voice continually screaming out to all tax-Paying Customers is “KILL ME!!! KILL ME FOR TREASON!!! MAKE ME STOP!!! MAKE ME STOP!!! HEEELP!!!

    But, by this time, that guilt-ladened voice has slowly faded away under mountains of laundered and stolen tax-payer cash and lies.

    It’s an “uncontrollable addiction”. And, it’s a temptation that is always “somebody else’s fault”.


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