Security Documents Related to Joe Biden’s Visit to Belfast Found in Street – IOTW Report

Security Documents Related to Joe Biden’s Visit to Belfast Found in Street

GP: Joe Biden visited Northern Ireland on Tuesday to commemorate the Good Friday agreement.

He brought his son Hunter Biden along for some reason as well.

There was a massive security breach during Biden’s visit to Belfast.

An individual dropped a security document revealing information about where Biden was staying, security arrangements, and the phone numbers of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) security personnel in the street near the hotel the president was staying at.

It was found lying on the street of Belfast late Tuesday night!

Embarrassing side story to Biden’s visit: a detailed itinerary of the President’s NI trip (including details of his accommodation, and the phone numbers of senior PSNI officials involved in security) has been found on a street in Belfast. Story reported on @bbcnolan this morning

— Gavan Reilly (@gavreilly) April 12, 2023

Here is the document:

12 Comments on Security Documents Related to Joe Biden’s Visit to Belfast Found in Street

  1. Was this an intentional act of treason or just a screwup due to a careless flunkie? No one will ever know except God. Battles and wars have been lost or won before in situations like this where the enemy gets ahold of deliberately misplaced or accidentally lost intelligence thru sheer incompetence like this. Joey is one gigantic clusterfuck just waiting to blow up in our faces.

  2. At least these documents weren’t locked up in a safe inside a secure room in a mansion guarded by Secret Service Agents.

    Because ANYONE could have gotten their hands on them there. If they’re on a street in Ireland only drunken Irishmen could have gotten their hands on them

  3. BTW, Im half Irish so Im allowed to say “Drunken Irishman” Besides, I saw it with my own eyes as a kid. They were rip roaring drinkers on my Irish grandmothers side

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