Reporter calls transgender Pa. health secretary ‘sir’ multiple times during interview – IOTW Report

Reporter calls transgender Pa. health secretary ‘sir’ multiple times during interview

KDKM Radio Station Personalities Don’t Seem To Want To Conform To PC Culture


A Pittsburgh radio station is again under scrutiny after one of its reporters called Department of Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, a transgender woman, “sir” at least three times during a Tuesday press call.

The incident happened while KDKA-AM personality Marty Griffin was asking a question about what the state’s “end game” is for reopening after the coronavirus, according to the Pennsylvania Capital-Star.

Pittsburgh City Paper transcript shows Griffin called Levine “sir” in both his initial question and follow-up, leading her to tell him “please don’t misgender me,” and that it was “really insulting.”

Griffin later apologized on Twitter and said distractions caused him to use the wrong pronouns.

But the incident had repercussions in Pittsburgh, where Mayor Bill Peduto canceled an interview with KDKA-AM in light of it. His spokesperson said the incident with Levine, combined with Griffin’s reporting on another story, led him to the decision.

According to 2 Political Junkies, a Pittsburgh-based blog, Griffin made a similar error in 2014 when he called former soldier and whistleblower Chelsea Manning “Mr. Bradley,” and said she’d had some sort of “bizarre sex-change thing” going on. Manning had come out as transgender the year before.

This is not the first time KDKA-AM was involved in controversy this year. Host Wendy Bell was recently criticized for questioning whether it was worth shutting the economy down to “save less than 1% of our population” from the coronavirus.

ht/ js

26 Comments on Reporter calls transgender Pa. health secretary ‘sir’ multiple times during interview

  1. If at any time in your life you have had a cock, you are a male. It doesn’t matter if you cut it off and got tit implants, you are still male. If you are one of these people, and you disagree, you are the one misgendering. And, you need some serious mental health assistance, too bad all of those people went to the same schools as you, and sadly, agree with you illness.

  2. You would hope a doctor would know that they were in need of mental help, but nooooo!

    She is making decisions that effect other peoples mental & physical health.

  3. I think what I would advise the reporter is that the safest thing would be not to talk to this “person” at all. (“Pimson”? “Herson”? “Himlet”?)

    Lockdown’s getting to me.

  4. So we are referring to Rachel Levine who is obviously a really ugly man, making him an even more hideous xoman… I really am sorry that anyone thought it was a good idea to elect a mental defective to any level of power….. WTF!

  5. Well, this site seems to allow free speech, so here goes.

    Freaks gotta freak. Back in the bad old days queers would keep under cover and do their nasty things together, they’d have parties on the down low and enjoy their freak. Fredricks of Hollywood used to advertise costumes for those who liked pretending, in the back pages of off color comics and porn magazines. Fredricks is gone now as the pretenders can get surgeries openly, and do. Oddly enough most of the freaks are male and most decline to have the twig and berries removed. Those who freak for kids have been loosed on us, see Joe Biden, and the freaks who want same sex kids are on the ascendance. Our ‘Elites’ are full of pedophiles of every stripe and there’s no way of knowing how many kids have been killed in their debauchs.

    Freaks gotta freak. You get what you’ll put up with. The more you put up with the worse the freaks will get. Learn, or suffer and learn. Freaks WILL freak.

  6. This guy is listed as a “virus expert” but he’s simply a child psychologist out of Penn State’s Medical School. BTW, Jerry Sandusky would be better looking in drag.

    Dr. Levine’s birth name is Richard, but he dropped his Dick and is now Rachel. A local talk show host here in Philly correctly compares the Wolf Administration to the Addams Family. “All they lack is a hand-in-a-box.”

  7. PA Governor Wolf, a multi-millionaire businessman, likely hired his buddy Dickless Levine, a child psychologist, to deal with the 30 million PA residents he considers “children.”


  8. Radio host Marty Griffin is scientifically correct but not politically correct so his life will be ruined.
    State medical science officer Levine was scientifically incorrect, horribly, when he said it was safe to put COVID-19 patients into nursing homes, effectively killing thousands. Further, he took his mother out of a home. Evil.
    But the media will now side with freak show Levine and allow him to slide because he was “controversially” called ‘sir’.

  9. “IT”. That is all you need to address these jackwagons!

    How in the F*#K do they make this IT a “Health Secretary”????
    IT has obvious mental health issues!!!!!

  10. So I guess if this reporter were to interview a patient at a mental hospital who insisted he was Napoleon or Jesus he would have to refer to him as such? Come on, folks. If the health secretary committed a crime and left DNA at the crime scene, the police would determine the perp was a male. Period.

  11. Marty Griffin must be an Arron Neville fan. Tell it like it is Marty, tell it like it is.
    As for the “It” thing, Richard/Rachel must have spent too much time time around Three Mile Island.

  12. I applaud the newsman for being realistic. Levine is a freak of nature. A man in his 50’s with a wife and children decides that he’s now a woman. Please, what has the world become when that’s okay?


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