Reporter Who Lied About Working for China Faces $16k Fine – IOTW Report

Reporter Who Lied About Working for China Faces $16k Fine

Dan Bongino:

China’s propagandists are making their way into press briefings – somehow.

On April 7th, after being asked a question by a Hong Kong Phoenix TV reporter, Trump questioned who she worked for, and if they were owned by the Chinese government. She denied that she worked for China, and said that the company was privately owned. And she’s “technically” correct. The company is private…. but shares the Chinese government as an investor (owning 20% of the outlet), and was founded by a former propagandist for China’s People’s Liberation Army (who owns 37.1% of the company).

So in other words, the reporter who denied working for China absolutely works for China.

Days later, on the 9th, reporter Ching-Yi Chang told President Trump that he was from Taiwan (after Trump asked where he was from), which is true, but that tells us nothing about who he works for. He works for Dragon Television, which is owned by Shanghai Media Group – one of the largest state-owned media organizations in China.

While these Chinese propagandists have faced no consequences in America, Taiwan isn’t thrilled to learn about Ching-Yi’s employment. read more

7 Comments on Reporter Who Lied About Working for China Faces $16k Fine

  1. Liberals in the 60s/70s —Support the Viet Cong!

    Liberals in the 80s–Support Russia!

    Liberals in the 90s–Support Cuba!

    Liberals in the 2000s–Support Venezuela!

    Liberals in 2016—Trump is a commie asset!

  2. Truth be told,there are thousands of those
    commie bastards imbeded/embedded {wordsmiths
    help me out here!} in America from janitors,
    Fienstien’s driver,etc. all the way up to
    the federal Govt……

  3. Does anyone bother to read the sources?

    She’s being threatened with a fine by Taiwan! Not The United States.

    Because Taiwan has a law that Taiwanese citizens who work for The Peoples Republic of China (and their subsidiaries) are committing a crime. Most definitely not like (the proud CoC suckers) The United States.


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