Reporters are covering Hillary’s campaign by asking her if being so awesome is a burden – IOTW Report

Reporters are covering Hillary’s campaign by asking her if being so awesome is a burden

MichelleMalkin; After six months, Hillary Clinton finally made herself available to the traveling press for several minutes on Monday. Not important enough to be brought up: Questions about emails, her former IT tech taking the Fifth, the State Dept. IG report that slammed her server practices (or lack thereof) or a dozen other potential embarrassing topics:

Actual question from a “reporter” to the presumed Democrat presidential nominee who is also under FBI investigation:

As though she were doing PR for the Democrat, Keith gushed, “Secretary, last night when you took stage in Sacramento, there was a woman standing next to me who was absolutely sobbing. And she said, you know, ‘It’s time. It’s past time.’”  MORE

5 Comments on Reporters are covering Hillary’s campaign by asking her if being so awesome is a burden

  1. When Donald took the stage last night, there was a young man sitting next to me sobbing, absolutely sobbing. He said, “It’s time. It’s way past time! That man has such a hot beautiful wife, that for the first time in the history of this republic, we will have a First Lady about whom we can fantasize!”

    The main stream press is so shallow as to be ALL SURFACE!

  2. Pathetic.

    This is the state of “journalism” today. I expect no less from these slobbering sycophants. It’s a waste of time reporting it. They don’t even attempt to keep their bias out of sight anymore.

    The snowflakes that are reduced to crying because a vagina is the nominee are the same ones whose heads will be exploding when Trump wins.

    My only question is when will the pardon come? If Comey has anything more then squirrel ballz, he will either refer the cronyism and email scandal to the DOJ before the election or if he’s given the old, hey thats a lovely pension ya got there, be a shame… and keeps quiet but leaks commence, Obama has to pardon her before Nov.

    Would the slime ball Hillary actually run after a pardon? HA!

  3. Can Ozero pardon Clintoon if she hasn’t even been indicted, let alone tried and convicted? An indictment is an accusation of a crime. A pardon beforehand would be de facto permission to commit that crime and it’d also be an admission she committed it before it actually occurred. How can you commit a crime before you commit it?

    And MM, of course she’d still run. What difference, at this point, does it make?

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