Reporters bash Bloomberg Law for story leading to resignation of Trump Labor appointee – IOTW Report

Reporters bash Bloomberg Law for story leading to resignation of Trump Labor appointee


A number of reporters expressed their displeasure with Bloomberg Law after they published a story about an old Facebook post from a Trump Labor official that led to the person’s resignation.

Leif Olson, an adviser in the department’s Wage and Hour Division, resigned Aug. 30 after Bloomberg Law accused him of anti-Semitism because of a 2016 Facebook post and comments that many perceived to be satire.

“Establishment insider RINO corporate tool Paul Ryan was finally brought to heel in tonight’s primary election by an uprising of the conservative masses of Real America eager for an authentic voice in Washington instead of the same tired globalist open-borders pap they’ve been pushing on us since the Elites abandoned the People,” Olson wrote. “The guy just suffered a massive, historic, emasculating 70-point victory. Let’s see him and his Georgetown cocktail-party puppetmasters try to walk that one off.”

At the time, Ryan’s challenger was Paul Nehlen, who had been accused of espousing anti-Muslim bigotry at the time of the election and, more recently, of anti-Semitism.

In the comment section of Olson’s post, he responded to an individual who called Ryan a “neo-con,” by saying, “No he’s not. Neo-cons are all Upper East Side Zionists who don’t golf on Saturdays if you know what I mean.” He then added, after someone called Ryan Jewish, “It must be true because I’ve never seen the Lamestream Media report it, and you know they protect their own.”

Many members of the media expressed the belief that Bloomberg Law was off-base with their story, claiming that Olson was being sarcastic, trying to satirize Nehlen and his allies. more

4 Comments on Reporters bash Bloomberg Law for story leading to resignation of Trump Labor appointee

  1. Why didn’t the fucking administration support this guy in the first place, goddamnit? So sick of this kind of shit from the GOP. Stop letting media twerps lead you around by the goddamn nose. JFC.


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