Reporters Mock State Department On Their Slow Review Of Blumenthal Emails – IOTW Report

Reporters Mock State Department On Their Slow Review Of Blumenthal Emails


6 Comments on Reporters Mock State Department On Their Slow Review Of Blumenthal Emails

  1. I really feel sorry for this poor guy. He just can’t lie like the rest of these motherfuckers. He’s Irish Catholic. He should be excommunicated like Pelosi and Biden. But now we got Pope a Dope.

    I wonder why he ever took that job. He could have retired from the Navy with dignity.
    must be a hang up somewhere.

  2. I’m with ya Moe – if I had to make a living by lying for a bunch of corrupt assholes, it wouldn’t be long before I was dead of starvation. Or, I would find a job where lying was not a requirement for employment (obviously a non-government job).

  3. Impotent sarcasm is fine as far as it goes, but snark can’t replace concerted legal action and heavy-duty muckraking by the media against this administration.

    And notice how it is “Blumenthal emails” now. Hillary has cut him loose, and the MSM is in the process of turning this into his problem instead of hers.

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