Reporters question Liz Warren on her call to abolish Electoral College: ‘Doesn’t Rural America Get the Shaft?’ – IOTW Report

Reporters question Liz Warren on her call to abolish Electoral College: ‘Doesn’t Rural America Get the Shaft?’

WFB: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) was pressed by Iowa reporters Friday over her call to abolish the Electoral College, with one remarking it would give rural America “the shaft.”

Des Moines Register reporter Brianne Pfannenstiel asked Warren whether her proposal would hurt small states like Iowa, which is frequently a battleground state. The winner of Iowa has won six out of the past seven presidential elections, the exception being Al Gore in 2000.

“No, this is not about states,” Warren said. “This is about voters. It makes every voter important, including voters in Iowa, including voters in Mississippi, including voters in Massachusetts and California.”

Iowa Press host David Yepsen also pressed Warren, saying rural America could “get the shaft” if she had her way.

“Wouldn’t rural America just be overlooked? The Founders set this up so that big colonies, like Massachusetts, weren’t running over the little ones,” Yepsen said. “Doesn’t rural America get the shaft? No one will ever see a presidential candidate if we get rid of the Electoral College.”

Warren said she didn’t see it that way.

“Look how much of America is rural, only right now it’s all got state boundaries,” she said. “And you look at every state, and in every single state, you’ve got a minority population. … You have to get out and actually meet family farmers. You’ve got to meet people who live in small-town America and rural America.

“They no longer get subsumed as the minority within their state because all that matters is where your 10 electoral votes are going or your 20 electoral votes are going. I think this actually enhances the power of rural America and small-town America,” she added.  read more

25 Comments on Reporters question Liz Warren on her call to abolish Electoral College: ‘Doesn’t Rural America Get the Shaft?’

  1. “‘I'(The God Pronoun, as she sees it) don’t see it that way”.
    The reporter knows more about history than the career parasite? Really?
    There’s where fake news begins – reporters asking questions of politicians and reporting the lies they respond with as truth, knowing damn well they’re lies.

  2. ‘Doesn’t Rural America Get the Shaft?’

    Of course it does, the Left doesn’t want that kind of people around and at the minimum want’s their political representation minimized.

    If you pay attention to what they say, they’re generally pretty open about this.

  3. “…only right now it’s all got state boundaries…”

    Revealed is the Dem agenda to get rid of states. Obama wanted regional administrative centers so we would end up with provinces as in France with federalized agencies at every level from sanitation to education to police to courts.

  4. As far as the Progs are concerned there are only two states: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The senate even reflects this thanks to the 17th amendment.

  5. HRC wouldn’t have won the popular vote if voter ID was used. The demoncRats cheated in ways never thought of before. Voter harvesting, illegals voting, the dead voting, hiding boxes of votes, secret counts, corrupt voting officials, and probably many ways we are still unaware of.

    The hijacking of an American election will be in high gear by the left, for 2020.

    Trump has to shut the border down until congress gets off its royal ass and fixes immigration.

  6. “As she sees it” as in how a phony American Indian sees it. This is a ploy to have CA and NYC take elections and put them in their pockets. Don’t fall for it.

  7. ” A Republic, if you can keep it.” We will no longer be a Republic if we do away with the Electoral College. Also we are the United STATES of America as a Republic; If we do away with the Electors we no longer have United States just a dis-United National STATE. And, SuperNightShade was right.

  8. Ah Nowut Umeen!

    “…only right now it’s all got state boundaries…” Revealed is the Dem agenda to get rid of states.

    Yup,that stood out to me too.

    I was gonna say, “Let’s just name the United States NewYorkShitty and forget those rigid lines. How ’bout that Liz?”

  9. The socialist democrats continue attacking the rights of states and individuals, seemingly pushing for another revolution.
    Their election corruption they’ve used for decades just wasn’t enough to steal the Presidency.
    The attempt to abolish the Electoral College could light the fuse of a National catastrophe.

  10. “This is about voters. It makes every voter important”

    Which translates to 20 million illegal voters in Los Angeles and San Diego and 10 million dead voters in Chicago forever stealing elections. Absolute corruption is the goal. GD Democrats fancy themselves to be smarter than the Founding Fathers. No, they are dumber than a bag of hammers and more evil than Satan.

  11. cfm990 MARCH 31, 2019 AT 12:17 PM
    Could be tough getting 2/3 of the states to give up the power they have. I don’t see it happening.

    I used t believe that was true. Too many treasonous bastards in congress nowadays. We should mail each and every one of the sob’s a postcard with only the question, “What is the penalty for treason” in large print.

    And didn’t they recently make lynching a fed crime? Why?

  12. “…it’s about the voters…” Oh, I get it. Demoncrats are working over time flooding every state with illegals. BTW, if Fauxahonas gets her wish, and states were turned into “territories”, those unrepresented farmers votes would be null and void.


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