Reporters Told To Not Report On Obama Speech – IOTW Report

Reporters Told To Not Report On Obama Speech

Or Else.

Daily Caller: Former President Barack Obama’s speech Friday is intended to be a secret affair, with organizers threatening to remove anyone who tweets or reports on his comments.

Obama was scheduled to address Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan Sports Analytics Conference attendees Friday afternoon to discuss his future plans and reflect on his presidency, but media has been barred from reporting on his remarks.

“Following the panel, the sharing or reporting of its contents on public platforms (including social media) will not be permitted,” the conference organizers typed in correspondence to media, according to The Boston Globe. “Those who fail to adhere to this policy will be subject to removal from the conference and denied tickets to future SSAC conferences.”

An event spokesperson clarified “sharing or reporting of its contents” is forbidden when The Globe inquired further. “This policy applies to all attendees, credentialed media included,” the email availed. more here

42 Comments on Reporters Told To Not Report On Obama Speech

  1. So he paid THEM to let him speak at their event then. What could that idiot possibly have to say that was worth listening to. Guess they’re trying to show they’re not racist or maybe he’s the warm up act for the stripper with a pole. (see post from earlier today)

  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan Sports Analytics Conference…
    … to discuss his future plans and reflect on his presidency…
    What? This doesn’t make sense…
    …unless this “conference” is really a secret commie confab.

  3. Were attendees all on double secret probation?
    Anybody who was there was a sycophant I don’t even
    Understand this article.

    Anybody attending was a friendly as America has moved on from this loser.

  4. If they report on it, will they filter out the fact that 1/4 of it will be “uhhh, uhhhhh, ummmmmm”? That stuttering pr!ck speaks like he “governed”- the phrase “like old people f#$%” comes to mind.

  5. Scott Adams, pick up the white courtesy phone. I want to know if this stunt is the big persuasion fail that it looks like, or if Barky is really just trying to avoid getting destroyed in a Trump tweet. Again.

  6. “Let’s hope there was at least one patriot there with his iPhone on record.”

    No need. I’m sure they’ve got an elaborate Reality TV speech reveal planned.

    That reminds me…what was in the box, Hillary? Or do you even remember that?

  7. Sports analytics…Probably there to talk about his stupid brackets. I thought he was going back to community organizing. But I guess you go where you’re truly needed.

    “I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters, I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors, I’m a better political director than my political director. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better sports analyst than any of you folks.”

  8. But weren’t we told the Obama administration was the “most transparent ever”???

    He IS; I saw right through that charlatan the first time I saw him.

    And WTF? Now his speeches are sealed??

    I’m thinking he got those M.I.T. types to help him fill in his March Madness brackets.

    And “…had to be able to spell M.I.T.” is truly snort-worthy.

  9. “Little monkey eared prick. Nobody gives a crap what he’s got to say.”

    Fuck you, Go fuck yourself, and Shut the fuck up, you fake American,
    fake Christian, Real r-tarded, black-hating, racist, bigoted, inbred
    cunts and YOU ARE a r-tarded, black-hating, racist, bigoted, inbred cunt
    just like Klansman Trump!

    That’s your problem, you don’t think, you don’t have a brain to think with.
    You are one sick dog. Spoken like the dirty racist cunt you are.

  10. Questionman Returns

    That’s a pretty good speech for a brain washed 12 year old trying to defend a Totalitarian Socialist. What country do you live in. I’m pretty sure it’s not the USA.

  11. Different Tim you sure struck a raw nerve with Questionman – good job. Questionman – your response was obviously well thought out, eloquent, edgy and insightfull – NOT.

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