Reports: Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Has a Lot of Financial and Ethical Issues – IOTW Report

Reports: Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Has a Lot of Financial and Ethical Issues


UPDATE 2:  The Atlanta P.D. is reportedly disputing reports of mass walkouts. They issued the following statement:

“Earlier suggestions that multiple officers from each zone had walked off the job were inaccurate. However, department is experiencing a higher than usual number of call outs with the incoming shift. We have enough resources to maintain operations and remain able to respond to incidents throughout the city.”


UPDATE:  Reports breaking now that large numbers of Atlanta PD officers quit responding to radio calls earlier this evening, and now large numbers have reportedly driven to their precincts, turning in the keys, and gone home.  The story below has to do with the decision by Fulton County DA Paul Howard to file felony murder charges against Officer Garret Rolfe in connection with the shooting on Friday night of Rayshard Brooks in the parking lot of a Wendy’s restaurant after Brooks fought with two officers, took a taser away from one of them, and then fired the taser at Off. Rolfe as was chasing Brooks.


This will be the first of two parts on this story.  Part Two coming up a bit later will look more closely at the specific charges, and the Supreme Court precedent which controls — and makes this a pathetic exercise in appealing to voters.

Part One here is more about DA Paul Howard and the kind of “man” he is.

The idea that the elected District Attorney for Fulton County, Georgia, would prostitute himself to the mob by filing idiotic felony murder charges – which carry a potential death sentence under Georgia law — against Atlanta PD Officer Garrett Rolfe would be hysterically funny if it wasn’t so outrageous.

But the words that came out of DA Paul Howard’s mouth in explaining the rationale behind the charges reveal him to be a duplicitous, money-grubbing, vote-hungry, and allegedly a thief and lecherous sexual harasser who recognizes Garret Rolfe as the “meal ticket” by which he might hold on to his position come August.  Within the last couple hours the Georgia Bureau of Investigation — who Howard had asked to conduct the investigation of the shooting — issued a public statement that it was unaware that a press conference was going to take place, and it was not consulted on the filing of charges.  GBI stated that its investigation is still ongoing.

Let’s be clear right off the top about who Paul Howard is.

He was first elected DA in Fulton County in 1992 — six different elections — and is in his 28th year in the position.  Eight days ago he was in a primary contest for re-election, but finished second to a woman who used to be the Chief  Assistant in the Office.  In the primary, Fani Willis won 41% of the vote to Howard’s 35% — getting 67,825 votes to his 55,740 votes.  Since neither received 50%, they will face each other in a run-off election on August 11.   Howard must have got down on his knees and thanked God that a black man was shot by a white police officer in that Wendy’s parking lot on Friday night because its the only chance he probably has to hold on to his job — which pays him approximately $185,000 a year.  To rally his support with voters he now had the opportunity to force a white police officer to face the death penalty over the shooting of a black man.

But election problems are only one concern facing Howard.

19 Comments on Reports: Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Has a Lot of Financial and Ethical Issues

  1. It cannot be underestimated how important it is for the rank and file to believe that management has their backs, when this is lacking then all kinds of bad things are inevitable.

    The Atlanta cops will show up for work, but will not be proactive in their duties; no traffic tickets will get written, nobody suspicious will be questioned, if they see someone breaking into a car or exiting a residence through a window carrying a TV, they will not intervene but keep on driving. They will essentially go hide somewhere and not be visible to the public. Calls of crimes in progress will not be answered, they will do as little work as possible, and under no circumstances will they place themselves in any situation that is risky or has the potential for conflict.

    The younger officers, the ones that do not have kids in school or spouses that work locally and can’t leave, these officers already have applications in route to agencies (cities) more aligned with their values of law and order and not catering to mob rule.

    Crime in Atlanta will skyrocket, businesses will do their risk assessments and realize that the city is not worth the investment and bail. The good people will move, leaving only the woke race hustlers to govern, good luck with that.

  2. Because. You know. It’s a hard job. Maintaining the honor. The rule of law. Over all. Whatever the law is. This the current day. An heroes just uphold the law. The most holy rule of law.

    How dare you traitors say it’s anything else! How DARE you!?

  3. Governor* Kemp just put out a statement backing the police. Well done, sir.

    And don’t worry about Paul Howard’s successor inheriting his mess. The GBI will clean most of it up before too long. City of Atlanta needs the state government guard rails. The less-stupid city government minions know it, and so do the Buckhead f—kheads who cravenly kowtow to the city.

  4. Does anyone believe that a stupid and ignorant black DA is going to be fair and impartial with a white man! If anyone does thank goodness I still have that bridge in Brooklyn to sell!

  5. IF the Atlanta Police DO abandon Atlanta (justifiably so in my opinion), it’s going to be interesting to see how thoroughly the unhinged will make Gen Sherman look like a choir boy.

  6. Years ago, when I worked at the Fulton County Superior Court, Mr. Howard made things so difficult for the DAs to do their jobs, all of the good ones with any scruples left to work in other counties. He was always terrible, but once he was voted in, it was impossible to get him out. I doubt many of the people who worked there voted for him.

  7. gin blossom JUNE 18, 2020 AT 1:32 PM
    I’m sick of society’s standards being lowered just to accommodate some sub par shitbag just because he’s black.

    I don’t believe this one instance has anything to do with melanin. Look, the media, on a daily basis covers for the crooks in DC, white, black, young, old. There are no parameters which guide their consciences.
    If we had a media worth a damn, a lot of this nonsense wouldn’t be allowed.


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