Reports: Kim Jong-Un’s Sister Appointed as Head of NoKo State Security – IOTW Report

Reports: Kim Jong-Un’s Sister Appointed as Head of NoKo State Security

Breitbart: North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has reportedly promoted his sister to a role running the country’s state security apparatus.

According to South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo, 30-year-old Kim Yo-jong’s seated position next to her brother’s right-hand man Choe Ryong-hae during December’s Worker’s Party congress indicates she is now in charge of the State Security Department, which oversees police and state prosecutions.

“Judging by her seat, there is a possibility that she has been promoted,” a South Korean government source told the outlet.

Kim’s uncle Jang Song-taek previously held the position controlling state security. He was executed by the regime in 2013 over allegations including distributing pornography, corruption, and plotting to overthrow the regime. He was allegedly killed by being fed to starving dogs.

Following his death, decision-making was put under the control of senior party officials, but a source said that it has since been “revived and established as an independent entity.”  more here

12 Comments on Reports: Kim Jong-Un’s Sister Appointed as Head of NoKo State Security

  1. Prior to this promotion, Yo-jong was a supervisor in the North Korean Agriculture Department in charge of manual farming and gardening, where her official title was Number One Hoer.

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