Unconfirmed Reports: One alleged suspect in San Bernardino shooting named Fariq Saheed / Farooq Saaed (sic) – IOTW Report

Unconfirmed Reports: One alleged suspect in San Bernardino shooting named Fariq Saheed / Farooq Saaed (sic)

Another name coming up Tayyeep Bin Ardogan

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63 Comments on Unconfirmed Reports: One alleged suspect in San Bernardino shooting named Fariq Saheed / Farooq Saaed (sic)

  1. Damn right! I went for an early drive today before coffee and to get my blood pumping switched on a prog radio channel. An hour of listening to them ramble on, I’d say about 90% of the sound bytes was an attempt to reinforce their lame points with rednecks. They shit on farmers and think “rethuglicans” are all walking around with straw in their mouthes. Holy shit are these people shallow ungrateful racists.

  2. 15 The Lord, the God of their fathers, sent word to them again and again by His messengers, because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place; 16 but they continually mocked the messengers of God, despised His words and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people, until there was no remedy. 17 Therefore He brought up against them the king of the Chaldeans who slew their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary, and had no compassion on young man or virgin, old man or infirm; He gave them all into his hand. (2 Chronicles 36)

  3. FBI guy at news conf saying not willing to say its terror “yet” and his guilty consience making him say fbi will go wherever investigation takes them no matter what means its moslime filth. Washington is trying to cover up and make it go away, orders to fbi is stall until Sunday NFL games start and American scumbags are distracted by felons on the fields.

  4. I’m not surprised by the names given the way it appeared to be a well planned attack by murders, and not done by some mental defectives.

    But I wasn’t going to jump on the Moslems Did It band wagon until the investigation came up with some names and facts.

    I see the anti-NRA We Need More Gun Control band wagon was full to capacity before the dead were removed from the scenes.

    Do you suppose the site was a gun free zone too? Nah, probably not. A moslem wouldn’t attack a place where there was little chance someone would shoot back. Would they?
    Hell yes they would, it’s their favorite killing field.

  5. The cops know who the dead fucktards are.

    After the initial assault, the cops went straight to a residence in Redland (I heard the 10-21 radio request for a phone call for a SWAT team in order not to broadcast the address). The cops roll up, whereupon the black SUV took off FROM THE RESIDENCE. The same black SUV the cops shot to shit in San Bernardino.

  6. Just for chagrins I turned on the evening news channels when I got home. Local, national – it did not matter – not one outlet said the word “terrorism”, let alone “Filthy Moslem Savages”

    Targeting retarded people? Wheelchair bound? REALLY? If that isn’t enough to shake the average American out of their Mainstream Media PC torpor and make them realize Filthy Moslem Savages are evil then what is needed? WHAT is needed? Firebombing an abortion clinic that serves inner city minorities who are illegal imigrants who are atheists? What the fucking fuck??

    The Cult Of Death, Slavery and Forced Conversion that calls itself “Islam” for ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED YEARS has proven itself to be anti-human. It is not “peaceful”, it is not a “religion”. It is Hate, it is Murder, it is Rape, it is Slavery….IT IS FILTH UNTO JEHOVAH. DEATH TO ISLAM.

  7. My FB newsfeed of libtards-especially one couple who don’t even live in the country currently-have all gone silent with the gun control snark now that Joe Bob Smith isn’t the suspect.

  8. Just like the scum Yasser Wasarat directed on the Achille Lauro to pitch elderly wheel chair bound Leon Klinghofer over board.
    Wasarat, another of the Legion of Evil awarded a Nobel Peace prize.

  9. Meanwhile the rotten Hillbag couldn’t wait to hop on the dead bodies to make her hack statement about how this is all about gun control! I’d love to see somebody in the Knee-Pad media for ONCE tell this disingenuous bitch that what this country really needs is Border control and control of the spineless, thoroughly corrupt, incompetent, vacationing, golfing, partying, spending, vindictive, Bush-blaming, finger-pointing, self-absorbed, Politically Correct, Gay obsessed, divisive, economy-wrecking, America-hating, Jihad-coddling, back-stabbing creep in the White House to keep these blood-thirsty animals out of this country!

  10. ISIiS is contained! I want to give a shout out to the NSA Homeland Security the CIA and all the other 3 letter agencies that are supposed to stop terrorism. AK 47’s and explosives, They’re not sure if it’s terrorism. Now move along and worry about climate change.

  11. Anytime I see her pruneface, hear her cackling, the fake accents, or read her vileness the only word that comes to mind is: CUNT! CUNT! CUNT! It’s like Tourettes on meth.

    She is the very definition.

  12. So Obama mocks GOP for being afraid of women and children. Yet again a statement he makes within a week completely wrong! A woman was involved in the Paris attacks and now probably here. Same MO, no one will say ‘terrorism’. Meanwhile here in CO I was in a restaurant and saw CNN segment last Saturday on PP shooter being an act of terror (after great debate). This weekend they will spend equal time claiming workplace violence.

    The news and satire are one and the same.

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