Reports Say Hillary Was Drunk When She Arrived For Rutgers Rally in New Jersey – IOTW Report

Reports Say Hillary Was Drunk When She Arrived For Rutgers Rally in New Jersey

Secret Service Detail: Hillary Clinton Was Drunk Morning of Campaign Rally

ht/ just the tip

28 Comments on Reports Say Hillary Was Drunk When She Arrived For Rutgers Rally in New Jersey

  1. I remember a story about her drinking mccain under the table. I thought it was just a weird rumor until I saw that mccain himself said it, and they were pretty much buddy buddy in the Senate. And still are, it seems.

  2. You’d think this woman would never be caught in blue wouldn’t you? I mean after what she went through wouldn’t you think that putting on a blue outfit would bring back memories of Monica? This woman is void of any scruples.

  3. so, she is a happy drunk. She should have been working that angle from the first day. She would have gone with AC/DC “have a drink on me” as her theme “forget about the debt; we’ll get hell to pay Have a drink on me!”

  4. on the morning of November 9th, after she loses in a landslide defeat reminescent of the 72 Nixon-McGovern election, I want to see a video of her drunk, on the floor, eating a hamburger like that Baywatch dude a few years back. SHITBLIND DRUNK. FUCKED-UP DRUNK. STINKING DRUNK.

  5. Booker must have gotten quite a blast of alco-breath. Probably curled his nose hairs. But look at how well nimble she is charging the camera. I felt threatened just seeing that.

  6. here’s something to think about: maybe Clinton is a raging alcoholic and the times we’ve seen her stumbling, she wasn’t drunk. Instead, she was sober and she had the DT’s.

  7. Add one more ingredient, alcoholic breath, for her “smelling bad, noted by Podesta, and discussed with Mills”. Then again, whose fault would it be if gramma falls asleep with a pillow over her head like Antonin Scalia did? With Gramma, wet work is what it is all about.

  8. Whatsername – I guarantee you that besides Vodka City(tm) brand vodka, Shrillary also snorkels Absinthe so that she can hallucinate that she stole the election.

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