Reposting One of the Best Songifys – Joe Biden, Buy a Shotgun – IOTW Report

Reposting One of the Best Songifys – Joe Biden, Buy a Shotgun

8 Comments on Reposting One of the Best Songifys – Joe Biden, Buy a Shotgun

  1. I miss Howard Cosell, can you imagine how snarky he would think and speak of hellary and the democraps. He thought OJ was dumber than a box of rocks once calling him out on MNF for being so stupid he couldn’t add up a high scoring game between Green Bay and the Forty Niners.

  2. This is MILES above any of the JayZ/CardiB/Beyoncé/Drake drivel out there trying to climb the Billboard charts.
    When you can hum it after the first time, it’s memorable.
    Get that man a record deal!


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